Monday, April 21, 2014


Let hope arise in me!
Oh, my soul
Take heart in the One!
The One whom you have called:
My Joy, my God, my Strength.

Do not grow weary, my heart
In doing good things.
For He is ever near!
Find your rest in Him and live there!

Let hope arise in me!
Be filled again with the presence
And the life-giving Spirit of God!

Never strive or stress
Only cast your cares
At His lovely feet
And His ever-loving Peace
Will wash over you.

Let hope arise, oh my weary soul!
Take heart
For His mercies are new
Every morning.

Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] HOPE for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Hebrews 11:1

Casting the [whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5:7

Will Matthews and worship team "Hope Anthem", Bethel Church, Redding, CA