Monday, December 19, 2011

The Theology Behind Ebeneezer Scrooge

There is a bit of theology behind the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge...
One could muse that the three ghosts visiting him were really angelic beings with prophetic messages from God appearing to him in a prophetic dream from God. The dream takes him on a spiritual journey through his entire life. He is reminded of all the high points and low points of his life in the dream. Every event that formed the character of the man he had become.

The ghost of Christmas past reminded him of where he was in life.
The ghost of Christmas present explained to him what he had become.
And the ghost of Christmas future warned him of what he would become.

Of course, Charles Dickens, the author of the novel A Christmas Carol, writes in such a way that the ghosts appearing to Scrooge appear in a prophetic dream sent from God. It was not what one might call a “pizza dream” where you dream something crazy because of what you ate the night before....
I could even go out on a limb further and speculate that the second ghost, the ghost of Christmas present was a vision of God himself as viewed through human eyes with poor spiritual vision. Mankind has put God in a box. Remember, for example, the super bowl commercial with God and the bottle of tobasco sauce? This is mankind's general view of God. That God does not care, that things are happenstance or accidents. Not true.

“Are there no poorhouses? Are there no prisons?” Scrooge heard himself saying.
Of children he said something about a much needed
“...decrease in the surplus population.”

Has mankind not said the same thing as Scrooge? With gendercide or selective births? With genocide? Are the prisons not overcrowded because of dysfuntion? And the poorhouses overwhelmed? At the time of the birth of Jesus there was a genocide. Did you know that King Herod tried to have Jesus killed? He ordered the murder of all babies under the age of 2. But the Lord sent an angel to Joseph (Jesus's step-father) in a warning dream and Joseph knew how to protect his family from Herod, (Matthew 2).

You see, some dreams are warnings of things to come and God speaks to you giving you the strength and wisdom to know how to avoid those dangers. I think this is what Dickens was trying to say in his novel.

The night before Christmas was one long cold and eventful night for Scrooge! You know those dreams that are so intense that you toss and turn and you wake up in a cold sweat with the blankets and sheets tightly wrapped around you? It was that kind of a dream. The kind where you wake up with a jump. Scrooge woke up with a jump and tons of adrenaline after that dream!

God speaks to us through our dreams. You just have to be willing to ask God the question: “What were you trying to show me through this dream, Lord God?” A lot of times our dreams hold lots of symbolism that we have to sort through prayerfully.

Scrooge did not need to analyze the symbolism in is dreams for too long. The message came through loudly and clearly: he needed to make some changes in his life or else he would die miserable, which he was, and alone which he was. And no one would bother to come to his funeral because he was so filled with greed and a love for money. His love for money overtook him so much that he was neglecting his own well-being and the needs of his employee.

What dreams have you given up? Have you stepped on people to get to the top? Has the love of money or something earthly and unimportant taken over your heart to the point that it consumes you? Have you lost your compassion for those lest fortunate than you? Has depression overtaken your life?

The only thing eternal about you is your soul. Will you go to heaven if you died today?
There are a lot of wealthy people in the world who give money to the poor because they realize that it makes them feel better about themselves. But how much better it is to give because your heart has been changed, touched by God!

I urge you to receive the gift that God has sent to all of mankind. This gift has changed the world. This gift has the power to make all things work together for good, (Romans 8:28).
The gift was Jesus the Son of God who came to earth as a baby and was fully human and fully divine. He had no sin in him or on him. He came to save those of us who were lost and to bring us to salvation so that we might come to know the love of God for all of mankind.

What can we take away from the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge? Learn to love people the way God loves people. But first, you have to experience that love personally by asking Him to come into your heart.

Where would you go if you died today? What legacy would you leave behind?

Dear God, help us to be kingdom minded. Teach us how to live everyday as if it were our last day before meeting you in eternity. Teach us to pray, order our steps in your holy WORD. Fill us with your compassion, Lord. Help us to submit to you praying "thy kingdom come, thy will be done" now and forever more. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2

Song in My Head
'I'm waiting. I'm waiting on you Lord, and I am hopeful. I'm waiting on you Lord...' -While I'm Waiting, John Waller

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Several days ago, I was about to cook something tasty. I had all the ingredients on the counter and I was cooking the meat. I was eager for a delicious meal. I grabbed a yellow onion and began to cut and peel the onion. It looked perfect on the outside. It smelled great too. I just love onions and I use them a lot with garlic and lots of spices when I cook. I had purchased this particular onion at one of my favorite stores that is well-know for selling great produce at low prices. I eagerly cut into the onion which was juicy and perfectly round. Had a big disappointment because the onion was rotting on the inside. There was fuzzy green mold in the center of the onion. Yuck!

This is heavy on my heart today: the Lord began to speak to me about Christians who are like this onion... They are beautiful on the outside, but their hearts are filled with bitterness and they are rotting from the inside out at the root. Do no let bitterness, unforgiveness, sadness, and sin take root in your hearts! You can look good on the outside, but be a complete fake on the inside. Eventually, this rotting, this bitterness will show. What's done in the dark will be brought to the light, (Psalm 139).

Have you been secretly cursing your brother or sister? Have you been saying things against people in your heart? Time to let it go. Give it all to God so that you can move on. We are coming to the end of a season of purging. Purging is cleansing. God has been wanting to cut away at the roots of the bad things that are growing deep in our hearts. So of us need to have those roots prayed over by intercessors. Some roots go deep into family histories and generations.

God wants a fresh start for you and for the future generations that will be influenced by you! No more fake Christians! Everybody has to "grow up" in the realm of the supernatural world, in God's eyes. It's time to move forward for real, (Philippians 3:14)!

What's holding you back? Are you hurting because of something that someone said or did to you in the past? Can't let it go? Can't forget? The fastest way to move forward is to let go of unnecessary baggage that has been holding you down, (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Lay it all on the altar before the Lord. Time to get it all right with God. Time is running out. This is your opportunity to make things right with God! How exciting! The one true Living God wants to give you and me the chance to make things right before Him! This is grace and mercy!

If you have never asked God to come into your heart, you have to go through His Son Jesus who shed His blood to pay for our sins so that we could be made whole in the eyes of God the Heavenly Father. And Jesus was victorious in conquering the sins of the entire world, and in conquering the enemy for our sakes! My debt on His account, you r debt on His account: Paid in full. All you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.

Pray this prayer if you don't know Jesus, or re-confirm your relationship with God now and be free from bitterness in Jesus' name!

Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, I want you to be Lord of my life. I ask that you would come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. Make me whole and complete in you! Deliver me from bitterness, no more "rotting onions" in my life! Lead me on the path of right living. Show me your glory! Let righteousness, joy, and peace be mine in the Holy Ghost! Help me to be kingdom minded from now on. Thank you for saving me, Lord Jesus! I pray this in your name, Amen.

Now, if you don't go to church, go and find a Bible-believing church to help you get filled and re-filled with the Spirit of God and the Word of God. God will lead you. Just ask Him for guidance. I will be praying for you as well.
The book of St. John, Philippians 3:14, Galatians 5:1, Hebrews 12:1-2, Proverbs 3:5-6

Song in My Head
'I will be with you. I'll never leave you. I'll fight your battles. If only you would trust me. Trust me. Trust me.' - R.S. & Vision

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The Bible says that the sin of rebellion is just as bad as the sin of doing witchcraft. There are levels of sin, but all sin leads to pride and bondage and separation from God.

The prophet Samuel said these words to King Saul one day to inform him that his anointing to be king over Israel was being removed because of his stubbornness and rebellion.

Yes, God's love is far reaching, deep, wide, incomprehensible, and amazing! But when you commit sin knowing that it is against God, knowing that it is wrong, knowing that it hurts the heart of God, this separates you from Him.

Rebellion is rejecting the Word of the Lord, (1 Samuel 15). The Word of the Lord became flesh and dwelt among us, John 1) . The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, (Psalm 119:111)! The Word of the Lord is Faithful and true, (Revelation 19:11)! The Word of the Lord was with God in the beginning, (John 1). The Word of the Lord cannot go out and return void once it leaves the mouth of God it must bring forth a plentiful harvest, (Isaiah 55)! The Word that became flesh said:

"Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God,"
(Matthew 4:4).

We are to hide the Word of the Lord in our hearts so that we might not sin against God, (Psalm 119:105)! The Word of God is a sharp and fresh weapon against an old enemy: the sword of the Spirit, (Ephesians 6:17).

I want to encourage you to get into the Word of God and get the Word in you! Read it, study it word by word, memorize it, "eat" the Word, ponder it. And know this for real: Jesus is the living Word of God! The enemy could not defeat Him! The Word went down into hell and took back authority that had been misused! The Word of God holds the keys of death and hell, not satan! And remember, satan is not God's equal! God is far greater than that old devil! God's power is unmatchable!

 If you have to Word of God on your mind, in your heart, in your belly, there is no room for rebellion and stubbornness. If you truly love God with all of your heart, your mind, your soul, you will not have any desire for sin. You will desire purity and integrity and truth.

All sin branches out from fear rooted in your heart which leads to pride which leads to bondage in the enemy's camp.

"Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient..." (Isaiah 1:18-19).

"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." says the writer of Hebrews, (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Is there something that God is asking you to do for His kingdom? Maybe you feel called to preach, or to help others in ways that may be outside of your comfort zone, maybe you feel called to pray for others. Whatever it is that God is telling you to do for His glory, do not miss the call! This is a season of second chances, God is redeeming the time and you cannot miss this window of time in His kingdom! Ignoring God's call is rebellion and stubbornness.

Overcome your fear with courage. Move forward. The Word will light your path.

If you disobey God now, will you regret it later?

Lord God, move in us! Let your Word become alive in us! Open our eyes so that we can see what you are saying, open our ears to hear what you want us to do, give us courage to move forward. Strengthen us by your power and let your Holy Ghost breathe on us, Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen.

1 Samuel 15, Hebrews 12

Song in my head: 'In your presence, all fear is gone! In your presence there's healing!' -Jason Upton

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Am the One Whom Jesus Loves!

I am the one whom Jesus loves!

How did this happen? I have been a Christian for a long time, but I had no real comprehension of the love of God. Then one day God decided that I needed to know: God loves me. I was watching Joyce Meyer online. She was talking about the love of God. The only reason I was watching her is because I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling me to go to her website and watch her latest sermon. She told her listeners to do a Bible study on the love of God and to study it until you really get it: God loves me.

Can you look in the mirror and say those words: "God loves me!"?

I knew that the message Joyce Meyer was preaching online was for me because my Pastor had preached a similar sermon one year earlier. After hearing the divinely inspired sermon again, I went and found my notes and re-read them. Joyce Meyer and my Pastor were saying the same thing.

(By the way, they do not hang out. Not even sure if they know each other. This was simply the Lord's doing. I needed to hear the sermon twice.)

So I started talking to myself, when no one was looking, and I would go to the mirror and say stuff like this:

"God loves me. I am God's child. I have faith in God. God loves me...."

It was hard at first. In fact, I whispered the words to the mirror in the dark for the first few months. Sounds sooo silly, but the truth is that I began to see how much I did not feel that I deserved God's love! What?!

I turned the lights on earlier this year and began to say the words aloud to the mirror. I became bolder. I began to repeat the words over and over while driving. Now, whenever I can, I slip it into conversation. By the way, God loves me! In case I had not mentioned it earlier. And He loves you too!

I began to give God more honor and glory for all that He has done in my life. It was like God became my buddy for real! I feel Him shadowing me more now. Actually, He was always there, omnipresent, I am just more aware of Jehovah God. I am more aware of God my loving Father. God did it!

Did you know that God loves you too? God's love is far reaching. His love is so deep. His love is so wide. His love goes on for so long as if it has no end!

I want to encourage you to do a Bible study search on the love of God today, tonight, all week, all month, all year...until you really get it. God keeps doing stuff to get your attention. Did you see it? He keeps calling your name. Do you hear Him? God keeps putting people in your path to remind you of His love. Do you remember?

Saint John the Beloved, noted Joyce Meyer, really got it. He was immersed in God's love. Rested his head on Jesus. Put his trust in Jesus. He even put it in his writing: I am the one whom Jesus loves, he said, (John 13:23). But Jesus was not playing favorites. His love is evenly distributed. You have to reach for it in faith and watch how he pours out His love on you!

You are the one whom Jesus loves!

Lord, help us to really get how much you love us! Take us deeper with you, Lord God! Cause us to see you when you move, when you speak, when you are trying to get our attention so that we can become fully immersed in your love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

John 12-15, Romans 8:38-39

Song in My Head
Oh, love of God! How rich and pure! How immeasurable an strong! It shall forever more endure, this the saints and angels song. -old hymn

Thursday, September 1, 2011

God's Timing

 God wants us to stop sitting at His spiritual green lights. Too many Christians are way too comfortable sitting in the warmth and coziness of green lights! Green means “GO!” So why are the green lights clogged up with lazy believers who do not want to move when God says move?

It could be fear keeping God's people from moving forward. It could be lack of inspiration. Or maybe we are asleep at the light?

Is God telling you to do something for Him today? Maybe you have a calling on your life to preach, or maybe you are called to pray for sick people, or to be an intercessor who stands in the gap praying on behalf of others, or maybe you are called to be a musician, or a teacher, or a singer on a worship team. Don't be a “bench warmer” at church sitting in the pew every Sunday and just eating the Word, getting warm fuzzies, getting fat and full, but never sharing your faith in any way shape or form!

It's time for God's people to move out from the green light before it turns red again. God's timing is perfect. We move when He says move and if we do not move when He says move we end up with deep regrets.

Don't sit at the green light. When God says “Go,” you go. Get out there and be and do what God wants you to be and do!

What if Abraham had said to God:
“I have to rent too many U-hal's to get all my stuff from here to the Promised Land.”

What if King David had said "no" to Samuel's anointing oil?

What if Jospeh decided not to forgive his brothers? Would his story have been in the Bible?

What is God speaking to you about doing for Him as you read this blog? Is it evangelism? Is God telling you to go talk to someone about Jesus today? Is god telling you to go pray over someone and encourage them?

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord!

Now, go make it a good day but go in the strength and Spirit of the one true living God. Take the gospel message of Jesus to someone today, but do it lovingly and with kindness.

Has God given you the green light? Are you moving forward or sitting still in fear?

Dear God, help us to move when you say move! Increase our faith! Put a holy fire under us and give us strength to be and do everything you have called us to be and do for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Matthew 5, Hebrews 12:1-2

Song In My Head
'The Lord has given us freedom, given us freedom, given us joy!' -Shekinah Glory Ministry

Thursday, August 25, 2011

PERSISTENCE part three

God wants to know how much we want Him. He wants to know if we want Him at all. God is a living breathing, feeling being. Sometimes He will allow us to get into a place of spiritual desperation. Has this ever happened to you? It has happened to me several times. Each time, I have come closer to God.

Earlier this year, I was laying in the hospital with some serious kidney failure. The doctor said “surgery” among other things, and I stopped listening and started praying more intensely... In fact, this event in my life caused me to pray certain prayers that I never intended to pray at my age. I explained to the Lord that I was not ready to die because I really felt as if I could die from the sickness plaguing my body. God spoke to me about getting enough rest and balancing out my life. He also showed me some things that I still need to do for Him. It was not my time to die yet. But the entire experience took me much deeper in my relationship with God.

Today, I feel much better! It took several months to get fully well, but all glory and honor and praise goes to the Living God! God is my healer! Glory!

Persistence in God takes patience. Persistence in getting to know God can sometimes take patience. I found that all those times that I was waiting on God, He was waiting on me too! Doing God's will takes persistence and patience as well.

Patience is something that a lot of believers think they have already, but really do not have. A lot of people who do not have patience are quitters. Do you see the connection that I am making?

Think of an athlete training for the Olympics. This is not a task that you just sign up for the day before! It takes patience and persistence to train, to practice, to get your body in shape, to get your mind in the game, to be a team player...

The same with becoming a professional musician: it takes a lot of patient and technical practicing and persistence and consistence with the craft.

I encourage you to wait on God and do not give up! Be consistent in your pursuit of God. Be persistent in your relationship with God. Wait patiently on Him and He will meet you more than halfway. Jesus said:

“Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!” (Matthew 5:6 amplified).

Are you going through something that does not make sense? This is your opportunity to take time out and ask God to show you what it is that He is trying to teach you during this season. Be persistent in your pursuit of the one true Living God!

Lord, please help those who are reading this blog and feel like giving up on you. Lord God, inspire them, surround them with your love, open their eyes to who you really are and reveal to them their destiny in you! Strengthen your children, Lord, we need you today. Give us hope for the future and wisdom in accomplishing the everyday things in order that we might get there. Show us how to glorify you in everything that we do. Blessed be the name of the Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 5:6, Romans 2:7

Song In My Head
'The greatness of the Lord is inconceivable! The love that He shows is unconditional! The power of the Lord is unbeatable! Great is the God we serve! God is great! And greatly to be praised!' - Ricky Dillard

Thursday, August 11, 2011


In the amplified Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 reads: ' Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]...' Do you ever find this hard to do? Paul is writing to the church people in Thessalonians and telling them to pray ALL the time and never stop! 

How do you do that? 
 It takes persistence and perseverance and time.

Is there something that you have been praying about for a very, very, very long time? Do you feel like giving up? do you ever run out of stuff to say to God? Are you getting mad at God? One famous Pastor I know says that it's ok to be mad at God because HE can handle it. But you cannot stay mad at God. Work through it, now. God only has your best interest in mind.Don't give up on God since, He will not ever give up on you! He reaches out to  you lovingly and wants to lavish that love on you beyond your comprehension.

It is easy to fall into asking God questions unnecessary questions:
“God, why do I have to wait so long?”
“Do you hear me God?”
“God, are you there?”
“God, do I not deserve the answer?”
“God? Where are you?”

I had an epiphany last year about unanswered prayer: sometimes, it is not about me waiting on God, but God is waiting on me. Get ready and stay ready. Strength training goes deeper.

Are you ready for God to answer your prayer? Are you asking God for something that you are completely unprepared for?

For example: Let's say I am asking God for a car, but I do not have a place to park it. Or I do not have a job with income to pay for the insurance, gas, and upkeep. Or I do not have a license to drive. This proves me unprepared to own or even drive a car. Get ready for the answer to your own prayers.

It is true that God can do what HE can do, but He will not do what you can do. Have you ever heard the saying that God helps those who help themselves? To me, this means: you take one step towards God and He will take two or more steps towards you.

Paul said that he had to work out his salvation. (Philippians 2:12). I do not believe in the philosophy once saved always saved. The Bible is clear that this is a daily walk with God. Everyday, I am required to ask God to purify my heart, cleanse me from any sin that I have committed knowingly or unknowingly, and to make sure that the old me is still dead to sin and that my newly created self in the Lord is alive and thriving in His kingdom.

Relationships take work. My relationship with God takes work, time, and effort. Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage. He will strengthen your heart. (Psalm 27:14).

Seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness then all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33). Are you asking God to do or be something that He is not? Is what you are asking God to do really pleasing to Him? Is it within His will and plan for your life? And remember that God's plans are never to harm us! (Jeremiah 29:11).

Or perhaps this is the case for you: not only does God enjoy your company, which He does, but He may be wanting you to go deeper in your prayer life with Him. Perhaps He is preparing you to be come an intercessor! Learn how to pray effectively. Jesus said:

“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.'” (Matthew 6:9-13).
I encourage you to pray this prayer and ask God to show you how to pray better. Remember, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled! (Matthew 5:6)

Thought: If you were to stop waiting on God will you regret it in the future?

Read: Matthew 5-7, Galatians 6:9-10, Ephesians 6:13-18

Prayer: Lord God, please give me the wisdom and the strength to continue standing in the gap and teach me how to pray. Teach me how to love You better and to serve You better. Breathe on me Holy Ghost! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Song in my Head: 'Devil, you can't have my mind! You can stop wastin' yo' time! Devil, you won't steal my peace, 'cause victory belongs to me! I'm back! Yes, I'm back wit' a smile on my face!' -Lonnie Hunter & Structure

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The parking garage where occasionally I park my car has many pipes running along the walls and ceiling. Every year in the Spring there are a couple of doves who insist on building their nest over an old hot water pipe. They carefully build their nest and balance it on the hot water pipe. The nest is poorly built and it leaves a huge mess over our cars. But it works for the doves. I call the pretty dove “Mama Dove” and the more masculine dove “Daddy Dove”. They are some tough birds and they don't take no mess.

I find twigs, feathers, lint, cotton and all sorts of creative things on the ground or on my car. This has been their prime spot for raising their baby doves for as long as I can remember. The spot is warm and cozy and it works for them.

One day earlier this year, a crow attacked the nest and destroyed it. The un-hatched baby doves died. I saw broken shells on the ground. It was really sad to see after watching all their hard work. I did not expect Mama Dove and Daddy Dove to return, but after about a month I saw them staking out the same spot again. Now, they have re-built their nest-- in the same location over the same hot water pipe. This really surprised me. I was astonished to see them sitting there as if nothing had happened.

(If the doves could talk I think they would say that to the crow, LOL!)
Soon they will hatch young, healthy baby doves.

This is persistence. Perseverance. Endurance.

Sometimes, when it comes to waiting on God's promises we give up all too soon. We grow tired and weary in well-doing and sort of fall into a spiritual coma or nap time of sorts and end up missing out on great things that God has for us. This happens when we have not learned perseverance, endurance. I do believe that God has a lot of people in strength training right now. How strong are you in your faith? Is God toughening you up for something that He has called you to do?

When the enemy attacks you, do you fold up? Do you run or do you fight back? When territory is stolen from you by the enemy do you just let him take it?

We have weapons that are not carnal, but supernatural. (Ephesians 6).
Sometimes, it is too hard to fight back when the enemy attacks because we are so weighted down by things that do not matter. Weighted down by things that have nothing to do with our purpose. What is weighing you down today? (Hebrews 12:1).

I want to encourage you to focus and re-prioritize your life according to God's WORD. Be persistent in what He has called you to do. Persevere. Endure. Strength training is tough because you can feel your muscles hurting sometimes after a work out, but with time the pain will go away. You will be stronger. You will overcome. Lost territory will be returned. Keep sowing seeds in God's kingdom. Be persistent in the Lord!

Thought: Are you in God's strength training right now?

Read: Ephesians 6, Hebrews 12:1, 1 John 5:4

Prayer: Lord, help us to be persistent and consistent in doing your perfect and holy will each day. Strengthen us and help us to operate in and through Your love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Song in my Head: 'Your latter will be greater. The best is yet to come!' -Israel Houghton and New Breed

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week and the Day He Wore My Crown of Thorns

With wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, famines, pestilences, unrest, nations rising against other nations, (Matthew 24:6-7) it is easy to fall into wonder and ask where is God in all this...and what in the world are "pestilences"? LOL. Pestilences are unpleasant things.

The truth is this: it could be a lot worse if the Lord had not already come. You see, He came through for us over 2000 years ago. He was thrilled to do it and He came to save us in love.

He came in riding on a young colt during Holy Week. And we, all of mankind, threw down our coats and palm branches in the road for Him to ride upon. And then one week later, we- that is all of mankind- decided to kill this the Son of God.

The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). In one week, we went from praising Him and worshiping Him to calling for His crucifixion! I say "we" because no matter what era or generation Jesus would have chosen to be apart of, the end result would have still been the same.

When we read the Easter story about Jesus, riding on a young colt on Palm Sunday, the Passover, the kiss of betrayal, the interrogations, the scourging, the crown of thorns, Peter's betrayal, the cross, His death...I dare you to say "we" when you read the historical account in the four gospels, or better yet "I". It makes history personal. I am undone, I feel uneasy saying "Ahhh, Calvary! I caused all the pain, I caused all the shame. He gave Himself the day He wore my crown..." (The Day He Wore My Crown). The day Jesus wore my crown of thorns, and was beaten within inches of His life. That should have been me getting beaten and bloodied for my sins, it should have been me getting crucified on that cross and laughed at. I should have died that day not the Son of God. He was blameless.

We could not stand to look at Jesus, to look upon His glory, to behold the Son of God. It was too much for we killed Him.

"Give us Barabbas!" we cried out. "We want the other guy to be set free, you know, the serial killer?"

"Are you kidding me? I cannot find anything wrong with this guy right here! Are you sure?" said a very confused Pilate.

"Yes, we want you to crucify Him and give us Barabbas the serial killer!"

Pilate washes his hands. A public display showing that everything was completely out of his control.

But by the grace of God there was a greater plan. Jesus came in love. he died knowing the outcome, knowing that He and only He could conquer death, conquer hell, and conquer the grave!

What a a pitiful story it would be if Jesus had not risen from the dead. If He had not come back to appear to over 500 people including His own disciples.

No other religious or spiritual leader has been able to upstage Jesus on this! Jesus is the Son of God and He has the power over death and hell and He was murdered by capital punishment and after three days He arose from the dead! It was a miracle! We have no body! We have eye witness accounts of a resurrected Jesus, even in conversation. This is our proof that Jesus really did rise from the dead.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, ask Him to come into your heart today.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for me! I am a sinner and I am sorry for what I have done. It should have been me on that cross. Please forgive me of my sins and make all things new. Lead me and guide me in your truth. In Jesus' name , Amen.

Matthew 26-28, Mark 13-16, Luke 19-24, John 13-21*

Song in my head:
'Who is this King of glory that pursues me with His love?' -Third Day

*I use these translations of the Bible: the Amplified Bible, the King James Version, the New Living Translation, and the New International Version

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stay In the Boat With Jesus!

The disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee with Jesus. (Mark 4). Jesus decided to take a nap. There was a sudden a great and furious storm. Then the disciples started trippin'! LOL! We used to say that in high school, "trippin'".

The story really hits home because as readers we realize how silly the disciples were knowing that the Son of God was in the boat with them!

"Master!!! Do you not care that we are dyyyyinnng?!?!" They yell over to the Lord across the storm tossed boat.

Jesus, though fully Divine, was fully human. He had been working in ministry and teaching all day. He spoke in many parables about the Kingdom of Heaven trying to help the people understand. Then after teaching he taught His disciples further revealing to them deeper meanings. He got onto the boat so that he could sit down and rest while he taught from the shores. After he finished teaching, Jesus just wanted to take a little rest on the water.

But the disciples' faith was immediately tested and they hardly passed the test. What would they have done if Jesus jsut slept through the whole thing? Would they have jumped off the boat and left the Lord sleeping in the boat while they tried to swim away from the storm?

They woke Jesus up with their yelling and panicking. "Peace, be still," Jesus says to the storm. Instantly, the waters were calm and peaceful.

Jesus gets up looks at the furious storm and says:

Then he turns to his disciples and says: "Why are you so afraid? Where's your faith?!"

The disciples have no answer. But they learned that day that their Lord could control the weather!

As a child, in my mind, I always imagined Jesus rolling his eyes and going back to His nap! LOL! But the Lord responded in love to His disciples, and I think that a renewed sense of calm and trust began flowing between Himself and the disciples...and the weather. Perhaps, they all settled down for a nap. But the Scripture says that the disciples were in awe and their fear of the storm turned to fear of the Lord after seeing His authority over the storm!

What amazes me is that the Lord always takes care of our Spiritual needs and our physical needs. Food for the soul, rest for the body, peace for the mind.

I would be very worried if I was in the boat and Jesus was NOT in there with me! Are you going through a storm right now? Stay in the boat with Jesus! Trust Him. No need to worry! Stay where Jesus is because there is peace in the center of that storm.

Are you going through one of life's storms right now? Look for Jesus and trust that HE is your peace in the center of that storm!

Dear Lord, help us to learn how to trust You more. Even when life is tossing us about like a raging and furious storm! Give us Your peace and hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Read Mark 4

Song in My Head
'Lord, I could sing of YOUR goodness all day long. For YOU are so amazing to me! I lift my hands in adoration to YOU!' -Forever Jones

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Struggle Into Your Strength

Have you ever stopped to look at a caterpillar in a cocoon? A cool little mystery the way it gets all neatly wrapped up and snug and warm, sleeping in there all cozy. Hmmm. Yet there it is in a seemingly deep and refreshing sleep. Ahhh sleep. But in the middle of the dreamlike state the caterpillar outgrows its surroundings! One day, it begins to burst forth out of its cocoon!

I’ve heard stories about a young boy who saw a caterpillar struggling to emerge from a cocoon. He was filled with a great deal of compassion. He wanted to help the poor thing. He wanted to make the caterpillar's life easier. He ran inside the house and begged his mother for a pair of scissors.

The boy's mother knew that he was up to something. She followed him outside. He knelt down and looked again at the struggling caterpillar. It had beautiful wings protruding from its back! But it seemed to be in a great deal of pain as it tried again and again to rid itself of the cocoon that contained it.

The boy, with tears in his eyes cut the cocoon from the caterpillar. He was amazed to see a beautiful butterfly as the remains of the cocoon fell away to the ground.

The butterfly stumbled, limped really, and began dragging its wings behind it. The butterfly’s wings were too heavy. He seemed to not have enough strength to lift his wings an fly!

“Mommy, why isn’t the butterfly flying?” the boy asked his mother with tears in his eyes. She too was crying.

“Honey, you helped too much. That butterfly needed to build his muscles, but you made it too easy for him. He needed to struggle his way out before he could fly.”

“Mommy, I was trying to help him. He was looking’ like he was in pain.”

As the story goes, the butterfly never flew, nor did it ever come to know its full potential. It was crippled for life and continued to drag its wings until a few hours later it died brokenhearted, too weak to go on.

When tough times come the easy and quick fix seems to be the best way to make things better. Tough love is still love! I am a witness that in your struggles through life, you will gain strength! But you must keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. Always go where Jesus goes. If He is standing still don’t move ahead of Him or fall away. Just stand still with Him. Patience is a virtue, a gift. To learn it well is a priceless thing for every believer.

I believe that the Lord is reminding us all in the body of Christ, and also individually about not living up to our full potential in Him. There are believers who would rather stay cozy in their cocoons rather than to try and trust in the Lord. God is not boring. He’s not deaf. He’s not some old guy sitting on a cloud with a large bottle of tobasco sauce! (Like in the old super bowl commercial, LOL!)

The Bible says that God is love. (1 John 4:7-8.) And now, "Love" as in God wants you to be the best version of you that you could ever be in Him! Embrace your trials. Allow them to push you closer to the one True Living God. Take time to struggle into your new strength! Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, do not lean to your own unerstanding! (Proverbs 3:5-7) Now, watch God move in your life as you move, as you struggle into your new strength! And remember this: you 'can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!' (Philippians 4:13).

Have you outgrown something in your life? Is the Lord telling you to move on up to the next level in your walk of faith with Him?

Lord, for those of us who may be struggling to grow, help us to have the right attitude and mind of Christ! Make us stronger

Psalm 121, 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, 2 Corinthians 12:9

Song In My Head
‘Glory! Glory in your sanctuary! Splendor and majesty Lord! Before You all life adores You! All the earth will declare that your love is everywhere!’ -All the Earth, Don Moen