in the mornings while i am getting ready for work, i listen to a popular radio staion on fm. the morning show is so funny and it helps to wake me up. the two dj's are hilarious. one dj refers to himself as cousin kevin and his sidekick is named nicki.
every morning, cousin kevin and nicki have a segment on the talk show to advertise their sponsor. this is really celebrity gossip. they talk and laugh about the latest celebrities who are or have messed up. the entire show is usually sposored by sleep train mattress centers.
"...well, he really needs to take a trip to sleep train!" nicki will say about the latest celebrity.
"that's right," cousin kevin will chime in, "because we all know that when you are sleeping on a good quality mattress..."
"yeah, when you can get yourself a good night's sleep," nicki continues.
"umm hmm, when you can get yourself a good night's sleep on a mattress from sleep train, you will not be making these kids of bad decisions!" cousin kevein will say with conviction. then the two will bust out laughing. cousin kevin in particular will lose control and begin to giggle. it's hilarious. but it's also sad because people need the Lord.
this got me thinking about God's people. how we really mess up sometimes and can get ourselves into some situations. a trip to sleep train and a new mattress might help, LOL, but let me suggest something better. go back to basics. when you mess up, go back to God based on the basic truths that you learned in sunday school, or in church, or from your grandparents.
God is love. God is a judge, but He also forgives. Jesus died for your sins. the blood of Jesus can wash away all of your sins. confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, ask Him to be Lord of your life and you will be saved.
rest in the fear of the Lord! rest in God's mercy and grace! rest in knowing God's love for you!
are you tired of running? do you need to get some rest in the Lord?
proverbbs 19:23
the fear of the Lord leads to rest!
song in my head today:
'praise will confuse the enemy!'
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