Wednesday, March 10, 2010

John the Baptist

As a new blogger on the scene, forgive me if I seem to be rambling on and on about ridiculous things. I am afraid to write about the truly important subjects that I believe are worthy. I suppose I've gotten cautious about who reads my really heavy stuff that I hope to publish one day. This happens when you let too many people in on your dreams...

the truth is, for this blogging thing, i'd like to abandon all the rules and write in all lower case letters with only the simplest of punctuation. a comma here a period there.

i will capitalize words like God, Jesus and Lord. it's a resepct thing that i was taught in grammar school.

now, about the man john the baptist

i always have a song in my head at any given time of the day. if you see me, i dare you to ask me what are you singing in your head today?

today, a choir is singing in my head. drumms are beating, an orchestra is playing and the dynamics are going from piano to double forte! here are the words:

'prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way of the Lord! Yeshua, you reign on high! you reign on high. almighty God your love is like no other!'

powerful stuff! it really brings tears to my eyes! i am overwhlemed by this song. a simple song with an amazing message quoting john the baptist. prepare ye the way of the Lord! Get ready he's coming! be on your best behavior it's the Son of God! clean up! beat the rugs! pick your finest goat or calf and cook some good food! prepare the way for the coming of the Lord! Messiah is here! mind your manners. make a good path in the street for his feet to walk.

Oh the dust john the baptist must have stirred up trying to get folks to get ready for Jesus! What a guy! he came into the world kicking (he lept in the womb of his mother elisabeth when she was 6 months pregnant) and even in death he went out with a wowee wow!

you just don't forget john the baptist once you've taken a real look at his life. these are the thoughts on my mind right now during this pre-Easter season.

a little scrawny guy, in my mind, very sunburnt with a wild mane of hair and a scraggly beard. he wore this dusty camel hair robes with a leather girdle and strappy sandals and he didn't care what anyone thought about him. he had a message, a mission and he was gonna get it out there. i think he did a lot of running too. what do you think? i mean, how would you act on a diet of locusts and wild honey?

and what an honor for john the baptist to baptize his cousin Jesus! this was pretty much the highlight of his ministry in my opinion. how old was he at that point? 30 or 31? hmmmm. incredible how God uses young people!

prayer focus for tonight: Lord, prepare the way in my heart for the Messiah! wheeewoo! halelujah!

Scripture: Matthew 3

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