Friday, March 12, 2010

regarding elephants and grace

today's random song in my head:

'oh, grace, oh grace amazing grace...'

or something like that. i'm learning new worship songs right now.

right now, i'm just blogging in between blogging. a half blog of sorts. i suppose it is easier to blog on the weekends, but i consider it work. i really love what i do for work too. which is why i do it as often as possible!

my all-time, hands down absolute favoite animal is the elephant. i admire them from a distance. eh, if i ever saw one up close, it wouldn't be all that close. i am terrified of such humongous creatures. i mean if an elephant wanted to smoosh me it could, right? just one stomp of its huge foot and...smoosh! it could, but would it really?

i like their shape. i have many elephants around my apartment. photos, figurines, calendars, and so forth. the trunk, the ears, the tusks, stong backs, and legs, cool toenails that fold upward, all topped off with a tiny little tail. to swat off flies.

i'm sure that you're aching to know why i like elephants. well, even if you're not, i'll tell you why since it would be pointless to go on without a point. here's my point:

elephants are so graceful. have you ever seen an elephant leap up a tree? or crouch down and crawl through tall grass to pounce on an ususpecting prey? do elephants chew bubble gum and blow bubbles jsut to hear the loud pop?

well, there aren't a whole lot of elephants around here where i live, but i tell you i have never ever seen one do anything like that in those nature videos! elephants move with grace. they are very family oriented. everbody takes care of the babies and keeps a close eye on them just in case the enemy is out there waiting to hurt the baby.

elephants move in groups. they travel together. this really implies beyond any doubt that they communicate quietly and well with each other.

i'm always amazed for some reason by nature and how it reflects God. we should have better communication with God, we shouldn't go anywhere or do anything without Him. we should protect our youngsters better. everybody keep an eye out for the youngsters! the enemy is at large!

even if you don't have kids, be a good example of a person living under grace- God's grace. we should move with grace. we should show grace and mercy just as God has done for us. spread the word! we serve a God of grace and mercy!

i should have died years ago. i don't deserve His grace. i don't deserve what Jesus did for me on the cross. shake my head every time i think about it. what if Jesus said "mmm, nah, i don't wanna do that, Dad."? if Jesus had not died on the cross, i surely couldn't fix my life all alone. couldn't fix it at all...that was grace! declare that Jesus is Lord of your life today. come and rest under the grace! amazing! grace!

'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.'

Ephesians 2:8 NIV

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