Monday, October 14, 2013

Musings From the Desk of A Theologian's Wife

Last June I married a theologian, a seminarian, a real man of God with a good Bible name: Matthew. I feel like this man is someone whom the Lord really has gifted me with and I am joyfully living in the proverbial marital bliss.

...I fell deeply in love with Jesus during my 430+ mile journey from Northern California to Southern California. I had to learn how to think for myself and to trust in Him. My faith was greatly challenged and stretched. I took small steps of faith that felt like giant leaps. I realized that I was putting all those stories in the Bible to test. Were they really real? I thought to myself. Were these people who really lived and did courageous things? I mused. Because if all those stories in the Bible are true, and if all those people really lived, then I needed to find out if this same God would prove Himself powerful in my little life as well. I needed to see Him move in great and amazing ways over my tiny corner of the earth. 

I was tired of being a depressed Christian! Enough already! No more lies. I wanted the truth. I wanted to see this God in action and in my life.

I found myself struggling to begin a new and academic life in a very prestigious seminary in Southern California. I already had a masters degree. However, I knew that I was in the right place at the right time. I knew that at any moment this God of Abraham, this God of Jacob, this God of Paul the apostle was going to prove Himself powerful in my life. And HE did. I began to have these divine encounters. I began to have divine appointments with people, with great men and women of God. I began to see and hear this God speaking to me. I saw Him in visions and was very moved to greater intimacy with Him.

This God who sent His son Jesus to die for me was reaching out in the most beautiful and unusual ways. I spent much time getting to know Him through His son Jesus. I fell madly in love with Jesus. One touch of His hand on my life and I am now truly changed. I have been baptized in His amazingly furious and glorious love! This baptism caused me to be transformed and renewed in my mind, in my thinking and in my daily activities, (NIV 1984, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2).

I began to have many, many more mystical experiences that are off the charts and inexplicable. I have found the need to blog some of these experiences because He is a jealous God and His love for you is extended. Anyone can come and meet with Him face to face and be changed as I have been.

I cried out to Him for an husband, to end my days of reproach, and He answered me. He heard the cries of my heart and sent me a good man who is everything that I have prayed for, and more. We met at the seminary where this amazingly loving God sent me to study and grow into the young woman that He has called me to be. 

This God whose name is LOVE, has written my love story by first encountering me with His love. My life has begun.

These are the mystical writings of the wife of a theologian.

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