Friday, October 18, 2013

A Room In Heaven

Dear Readers,

I pray over this blog and I ask the Lord to help me not reveal too much, but that I will not hold back from the things that He wants me to reveal for His glory. I pray for those who read this blog to be touched by the tangible presence of God. I pray that anyone who reads this blog will have their eyes opened to the goodness and the wonder of God's love and mercy. I pray that wisdom and revelation of God's word will take you deeper into the mysteries of who God really is and into the knowledge of His LOVE. I pray Ephesians 1:17-18 over each of you and over myself as well, in Jesus' name, Amen.

I feel like God wants to encourage you. You are loved. You were planned. God created you with great care. You are not an accident. You have a destiny and a past that is connected to the heart of God.

Last year in the Spring, the Lord took me into an heavenly place. I was sitting at my desk. An angel took me in the Spirit and whoosh! The angel flew so fast and I was overwhelmed. This took my breath away. We were suddenly in a large room in heaven. The angel set me down on my feet. I felt reverence as if on very holy ground. 

There was a lot of joy and excitement in this room! I looked and quickly realized that this was God's Baby Room! I was surrounded by the most beautiful colors of heaven. I saw colors that I had never seen before! There was a lot of heavenly light and something like very colorful bubbles floating around the room. The bubbles were full of life and energy! The bubbles were filled with light and life! I realized that they were unborn children.

This is a very special room that really exists in heaven where God creates babies, precious embryos. He takes His time picking out personality traits and characteristics for each child. He puts a lot of Himself into each child He designs. His DNA, His handprints are all over each unborn child, (Hebrews 2:7). It is to His good pleasure to do this! Angels line up eager to be chosen as guardians of these precious children. Many of the angels in my vision were cherubim with four wings and four faces each, some had two wings and one face, many were sitting in an arena celebrating and watching the holy Father God create. Every angel assigned to protect the children is a warrior angel. They looked beautiful, they were graceful, but they also had flaming swords in golden and embossed sheaths hanging from their waists. Each angel wore a dazzling white tunic with gold braided trim and embroidery. These children are precious and worth every bit of protection that the Father has assigned to them. There were thousands of angels assigned to each child, but a core of about five would stay close to the child its entire life.

The Lord allowed me to watch a commissioning ceremony for each warrior angel who is assigned to one of His children, (Matthew 18:10). For every unborn child there is an angel who gets the highest privilege of carrying the precious embryo to the womb of the mother at the very moment of conception! This same angel will carry the child back to God's heart once its time on earth is completed. Do you see how much God loves us? The angels protect us/the children God creates with His hands 24/7/365, that's all the time. Oftentimes, they come and go in 2 and 3 shifts a day, (Genesis 28:12). They often return to the throne of heaven very briefly for their own refreshing. The angel who carried the embryo is the one who stays the closest to the child during its entire lifetime.

I was awed by the devotion of these angels to the heavenly Father God. How they love Him! I was surrounded by His liquid love the entire time that I was in this vision. I want to love Him like they do. The vision caused me to weep with joy at the sight of God's heart and His loving care for these little unborn babies.

We are never alone from conception until we die, (Hebrews 1:14). Some angels keep watch outside, other keep watch inside, while others stick very, very close to the child and watch its every move so that it does not die or get hurt or attacked by the enemy, (Psalm 91).

I could go on and on, about this lengthy vision. Please think about children and God's heart for them. Think about your influence on children as believers. Look through God's eyes. Pray about our country and others who have no regard for children. It is satan's number one plan to keep children form being born, from living life to their fullest.

Did you know that pregnant women have double angel protection? There are angels assigned to the mother and angels assigned to the baby. God takes babies seriously.

So, why do we as a nation take babies seriously? Why is the enemy so intent on having the terminated? 

I do not consider myself to be a political person by any means, so do not take this blog to be a politically related issue. Babies are from the heart of God. This is an issue that the church needs to address. It has been prophesied that the church will overcome abortion through adoption.

God, help our country! We repent for the sins of abortion and murder in our country! The blood of babies whose lives were cut short cries out from the ground. Forgive us, Lord. God please bless the mothers and fathers with your grace and forgive them, love them, encounter them with your love. And bless those who desire to have children, bless those with children young and old. Help us, show us how to better value life in America, God. Give us the Spirit of adoption, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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