Wednesday, October 23, 2013

God's Mobile Throne

This is a song by Misty Edwards called "Between the Cherubim". I can feel the fire of the Lord as I listen. Can you also feel it?

Between the cherubim angels is where the glorious presence of God resides!

Psalm 18:10 says that He rides upon the cherubim!

Ezekiel wrote about some pretty amazing visions he had of God's glorious presence between the cherubim in Ezekiel 1 and 10. He saw God's holy chariot or as I sometimes like to call "God's Mobile Throne".

Did you know that God has some pretty sweet rims on His Mobile Throne? They sparkle and they have eyes all over them!

Check this out:
Ezekiel wrote that on God's Mobile Throne there are gyroscopes, a wheel in a wheel and next to each wheel is an overwhelmingly awesome angel with four wings, four faces each having one like a man, one like an ox, one like an eagle, and one like a lion. Each cherubim has bronze colored legs like a sheep or something. Under their wings they have hands like humans. There is lightning and sounds of thunder! The gyroscope/wheels move when the angels move, but the angels do not move unless the Spirit of God is moving in the midst!

The wheels can move up and down and side to side in straight lines.

In the center of the wheels is the altar with hot coals. Isaiah the prophet encountered the Lord and an angel brought a flaming coal from this same altar to touch his lips, (Isaiah 1). The holy fire here is kind of like the motor on God's Mobile Throne. In Ezekiel's vision the fire was all around the chariot. He saw God sitting on a throne and in the middle of it all over the burning coals.

Ezekiel had a power encounter with God. It left him feeling astonished and he was numb for about a week afterwards.

I desire to have such encounters myself. I want encounters with God like this everyday! I want to see Him and know Him in all of His glory! I want to be baptized in His love again, and again, and again.

I tend to think about the supernatural a lot because I have kidney disease. I struggle with feeling exhausted from day to day. I have a lot of pain mostly in the right kidney. I have to keep myself focused on the Lord and all of His glory otherwise, I could not survive this battle with my health. It is my goal to stay focused on the Lord, to behold His beauty and to not allow myself to get down from feeling sick all the time.

The thing about God's mobile throne is just that: it is mobile. I want God to set up His throne in my home, in my heart, in my car, an wherever I am, I want to reside between the cherubim with my eyes on God who sits on the throne. Here is the secret place where I am safe, where I may find rest and strength, and healing.

There's a song that is often on my heart that always encourages me. It's a song by Misty Edwards
 entitled "It's Only A Shadow". This song is from the same concert as the song above. I hope that it encourages you.

Death, it's only a shadow!
God's got this!
Be blessed,
Be filled with the Spirit,
Be a contagious Christian.

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