Sunday, October 27, 2013

Why I Voted For President Barack Obama (and Continue to Stand in the Gap For Him in Prayer)

I do not consider my self to be wise or well-versed in politics. I do take prayer and intercession very seriously.

I will most definitely shy away from any political conversation whenever possible. This blog is really just me crying "uncle" to every Christian out there who has hate for our President Obama. My desire is to see believers who will stop talking, stop hating, stop whining, stop complaining, and please start praying for our President. Some believers are so hatful that I am filled with fear sometimes. We need to pray God's will, pray God's heart and stop the hate, please.

Yes, I am an African-American woman who voted for President Obama. I was raised a Democrat. I feel like it is now high time people get over it. We have three more years. We can let these years be really bad, or we can engage with God's heart and pray for His holy will to be done in love and in His time. It is time to pray for President Obama, to bless the next three years in office.

My concern is how believers have treated our President with our words. It goes beyond race and beyond our political "tribes" or associations.Christians who believe that Jesus is Lord, must stop the hate-filled bashing. If Christian believers in Jesus spent as more time praying and less time talking then we could see a positive change in Washington and throughout our nation. The Bible says that we Christian believers have the power of life and death in our tongues, (NIV 2011, James 3:1-12)! We of all people should be speaking blessings over our President not curses and spewing out hate-filled words. We should take our issues to God and leave them there.

We need to pray for President Obama to be filled with skillful and divine wisdom from God our heavenly Father when he is in the Oval office. Pray for an alignment of Capitol Hill with the cross of Jesus on the hill of Golgotha! Petition the Lord to look into the situation because our nation is being shaken at its core values! As believers, we cannot lose our hope and our faith only to laugh at and bash the man that God placed in this office.

I spent much time in prayer and careful reflection over the second election of President Obama. I wanted to be sure that I was voting for the right man for the Oval Office. I feel that the office is anointed by God and only those that He chooses are placed in that office. I could not get away from the fact that it was clear that he would win and that God wanted him there. Please interceded for his safety, for the safety of our First Lady Michelle and for their children and family.

God gave me peace during the second election with this vision: I saw that God could encounter anyone in the Oval office. God is God. He is really big. He has our President's ear and heart. I saw President Obama beginning to have prophetic dreams. I see men of the cloth in high places being pulled into his close circle of advisors. There are many who have left his side and it is crucial in this season that we pray for our president. We must pray against any spirits of confusion and deception.

President Obama is a good husband and father. This is more important than anything! God's heart is all about family. As God's children, we need to see this more than anything: a president who is faithful to his wife and children, who takes time to make sure that his family gets to spend time with him. Let us also remember to pray for First Lady Michelle.

I want to encourage you by saying that there are angelic beings placed all around the earth. They warfare on God's behalf. They are stationed right in and around the Oval office, around President Obama and his family around the Pentagon, and even all around Capitol Hill. We still need to pray that God's will be done in our nation. Honestly, some of the stuff that we are going through has nothing to do with President Obama, it is a result of decades upon decades of sin. Let us pray and repent on behalf of our nation that God will cover us with His grace and mercy. God loves America and wants to encounter her again and He wants to be the only God that we serve.

Below, I have included a link to a very encouraging interview with Sid Roth and Dr. Francis Myles who had a powerful prophetic dream about President Obama. This is yet unfulfilled and we need to pray for President Obama that God will speak to him, give him wisdom, and strengthen him to do the right thing in the midst of a very spiritually confusing and demonic atmosphere. God is still in control. Good things are happening now. Soon we will see clearly...

God bless President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle. 
Protect our beautiful First Family, God.
Grant our President Obama Divine wisdom and strength for the next three years. 
Fill that place with your peace and your presence. 
Bring clarity and simple solutions to the decades upon decades of generational sin in our nation.
Bless the Oval Office, God and let it be a place where our President might encounter you and receive from you. We pray for Divine appointments with strong men and women of God to bless President Obama and to pray with him and encourage him.
God once again bless America with your presence and glory! 
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

God's Mobile Throne

This is a song by Misty Edwards called "Between the Cherubim". I can feel the fire of the Lord as I listen. Can you also feel it?

Between the cherubim angels is where the glorious presence of God resides!

Psalm 18:10 says that He rides upon the cherubim!

Ezekiel wrote about some pretty amazing visions he had of God's glorious presence between the cherubim in Ezekiel 1 and 10. He saw God's holy chariot or as I sometimes like to call "God's Mobile Throne".

Did you know that God has some pretty sweet rims on His Mobile Throne? They sparkle and they have eyes all over them!

Check this out:
Ezekiel wrote that on God's Mobile Throne there are gyroscopes, a wheel in a wheel and next to each wheel is an overwhelmingly awesome angel with four wings, four faces each having one like a man, one like an ox, one like an eagle, and one like a lion. Each cherubim has bronze colored legs like a sheep or something. Under their wings they have hands like humans. There is lightning and sounds of thunder! The gyroscope/wheels move when the angels move, but the angels do not move unless the Spirit of God is moving in the midst!

The wheels can move up and down and side to side in straight lines.

In the center of the wheels is the altar with hot coals. Isaiah the prophet encountered the Lord and an angel brought a flaming coal from this same altar to touch his lips, (Isaiah 1). The holy fire here is kind of like the motor on God's Mobile Throne. In Ezekiel's vision the fire was all around the chariot. He saw God sitting on a throne and in the middle of it all over the burning coals.

Ezekiel had a power encounter with God. It left him feeling astonished and he was numb for about a week afterwards.

I desire to have such encounters myself. I want encounters with God like this everyday! I want to see Him and know Him in all of His glory! I want to be baptized in His love again, and again, and again.

I tend to think about the supernatural a lot because I have kidney disease. I struggle with feeling exhausted from day to day. I have a lot of pain mostly in the right kidney. I have to keep myself focused on the Lord and all of His glory otherwise, I could not survive this battle with my health. It is my goal to stay focused on the Lord, to behold His beauty and to not allow myself to get down from feeling sick all the time.

The thing about God's mobile throne is just that: it is mobile. I want God to set up His throne in my home, in my heart, in my car, an wherever I am, I want to reside between the cherubim with my eyes on God who sits on the throne. Here is the secret place where I am safe, where I may find rest and strength, and healing.

There's a song that is often on my heart that always encourages me. It's a song by Misty Edwards
 entitled "It's Only A Shadow". This song is from the same concert as the song above. I hope that it encourages you.

Death, it's only a shadow!
God's got this!
Be blessed,
Be filled with the Spirit,
Be a contagious Christian.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Saw God Walking...

Last Wednesday evening during our life group (a Bible study group that meets through our church) we took time to pray and listen to what God was saying to us. This is part of the word I got through a vision during the listening prayer. I believe this is for myself and for all believers today:

I saw God walking in a large field of green grass. The winds of the Spirit were blowing and there were amazing colors swirling in and around the grass. God was standing far across the field from me and He was speaking and the winds of the Spirit brought His quiet voice to me.

"I want you to know my still quiet voice like the tinkling of a bell across a large field," the Lord said.

I felt like this was a vision that I should share with you as well. God wants intimacy with His children. He wants to have conversations with each of us. There are talents inside some of us that we have yet to discover. Others of us have talents that we need to stop hiding or holding back from the world.

I also saw blessings in heavenly places waiting to be released to people. I saw people standing near to God, but not hearing His voice and feeling lost. These blessings in heavenly places were right over their heads as if they needed to tap into the presence of God and take time to listen to what He is saying. He wants to encounter His children on earth in love. He wants to take us into heavenly places where these things in heaven might also be released. God wants to meet with us and show us who we really are in Him. He wants us to trust Him with our lives and lean upon Him. He wants to bless us with more gifts and talents, but we have to first give Him what we have.

Jesus said to Peter that whatever we bind in heaven will be bound on earth, and whatever we loose in heaven will be loosed on earth, (NIV 2011,, Matthew 16:19). Was Jesus talking about us being in heavenly places? What is Jesus was talking about us bringing heaven down to earth? Can we live with our eyes focused on what is going on in 3rd heaven? Can we live with God's heart in mind?

YES! Yes! Yes! Yes!

One way that I personally tap into the presence of God is by listening to soaking or worship music. King David had it right: to worship the Lord in all that he did, to repent for things he did wrong, to keep after the heart of God. Worship music always helps bring me into His presence. It quiets my heart and mind to where I can listen and hear His voice.

I just discovered this new music group called The Throne Room Company. You can download their CD The Prayer on i-tunes or through their website: They have great soaking music based on Revelation 4! This is the passage where John the Beloved hears the words from heaven: "Come up here!"

Check out this song called Children of Light from the Throne Room's channel on

Be blessed.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Room In Heaven

Dear Readers,

I pray over this blog and I ask the Lord to help me not reveal too much, but that I will not hold back from the things that He wants me to reveal for His glory. I pray for those who read this blog to be touched by the tangible presence of God. I pray that anyone who reads this blog will have their eyes opened to the goodness and the wonder of God's love and mercy. I pray that wisdom and revelation of God's word will take you deeper into the mysteries of who God really is and into the knowledge of His LOVE. I pray Ephesians 1:17-18 over each of you and over myself as well, in Jesus' name, Amen.

I feel like God wants to encourage you. You are loved. You were planned. God created you with great care. You are not an accident. You have a destiny and a past that is connected to the heart of God.

Last year in the Spring, the Lord took me into an heavenly place. I was sitting at my desk. An angel took me in the Spirit and whoosh! The angel flew so fast and I was overwhelmed. This took my breath away. We were suddenly in a large room in heaven. The angel set me down on my feet. I felt reverence as if on very holy ground. 

There was a lot of joy and excitement in this room! I looked and quickly realized that this was God's Baby Room! I was surrounded by the most beautiful colors of heaven. I saw colors that I had never seen before! There was a lot of heavenly light and something like very colorful bubbles floating around the room. The bubbles were full of life and energy! The bubbles were filled with light and life! I realized that they were unborn children.

This is a very special room that really exists in heaven where God creates babies, precious embryos. He takes His time picking out personality traits and characteristics for each child. He puts a lot of Himself into each child He designs. His DNA, His handprints are all over each unborn child, (Hebrews 2:7). It is to His good pleasure to do this! Angels line up eager to be chosen as guardians of these precious children. Many of the angels in my vision were cherubim with four wings and four faces each, some had two wings and one face, many were sitting in an arena celebrating and watching the holy Father God create. Every angel assigned to protect the children is a warrior angel. They looked beautiful, they were graceful, but they also had flaming swords in golden and embossed sheaths hanging from their waists. Each angel wore a dazzling white tunic with gold braided trim and embroidery. These children are precious and worth every bit of protection that the Father has assigned to them. There were thousands of angels assigned to each child, but a core of about five would stay close to the child its entire life.

The Lord allowed me to watch a commissioning ceremony for each warrior angel who is assigned to one of His children, (Matthew 18:10). For every unborn child there is an angel who gets the highest privilege of carrying the precious embryo to the womb of the mother at the very moment of conception! This same angel will carry the child back to God's heart once its time on earth is completed. Do you see how much God loves us? The angels protect us/the children God creates with His hands 24/7/365, that's all the time. Oftentimes, they come and go in 2 and 3 shifts a day, (Genesis 28:12). They often return to the throne of heaven very briefly for their own refreshing. The angel who carried the embryo is the one who stays the closest to the child during its entire lifetime.

I was awed by the devotion of these angels to the heavenly Father God. How they love Him! I was surrounded by His liquid love the entire time that I was in this vision. I want to love Him like they do. The vision caused me to weep with joy at the sight of God's heart and His loving care for these little unborn babies.

We are never alone from conception until we die, (Hebrews 1:14). Some angels keep watch outside, other keep watch inside, while others stick very, very close to the child and watch its every move so that it does not die or get hurt or attacked by the enemy, (Psalm 91).

I could go on and on, about this lengthy vision. Please think about children and God's heart for them. Think about your influence on children as believers. Look through God's eyes. Pray about our country and others who have no regard for children. It is satan's number one plan to keep children form being born, from living life to their fullest.

Did you know that pregnant women have double angel protection? There are angels assigned to the mother and angels assigned to the baby. God takes babies seriously.

So, why do we as a nation take babies seriously? Why is the enemy so intent on having the terminated? 

I do not consider myself to be a political person by any means, so do not take this blog to be a politically related issue. Babies are from the heart of God. This is an issue that the church needs to address. It has been prophesied that the church will overcome abortion through adoption.

God, help our country! We repent for the sins of abortion and murder in our country! The blood of babies whose lives were cut short cries out from the ground. Forgive us, Lord. God please bless the mothers and fathers with your grace and forgive them, love them, encounter them with your love. And bless those who desire to have children, bless those with children young and old. Help us, show us how to better value life in America, God. Give us the Spirit of adoption, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

This morning I felt a nudge from Holy Spirit sort of encouraging me to check out what was going on at the Sid Roth Show this week. Roth, a Messianic Jew, interviews Christian mystics, evangelists, pastors, worship leaders, film makers, and anyone who is hungry for God and has a contagious testimony about being a "normal" Christian. I ended up watching the latest show with this guy name Robert Gay. Check out the show at link below and let me know what you think about it:

What is amazing about Robert's testimony is that it reminded me of something very mystical and kind of weird that happened to me years ago that I have rarely spoken of until now. I was afraid to tell anyone because of the way it was handled.... 

I will have to give some back story first:

Recently, I was taking a class on inner healing and my classmates and I were "practicing" healing prayer on each other. The Lord spoke to me very powerfully through a colleague by way of a prophetic word and told me that it was time to write about what happened to me as a child growing up in church. I was filled with fear immediately because I would never want to disrespect anyone living or dead. However, some really interesting things happened that have shaped my worldview and have shaped me as a woman of God.

I grew up as a pastors kid. Go figure. My Dad is considered by many to be a great man of God pretty much a pillar in the faith. 

One night in the early 1990's, the Holy Spirit came and visited me and I could not get away. He was that intense that I wanted to run. I ran as far as my parent's bedroom and got my Dad and we prayed into the night for hours and hours. I was speaking in tongues and crying and just filled to overflowing with the power of the Holy Spirit! It was wonderful!

I was thirteen years old and had just begun the ninth grade. Over the next two weeks or so, I had trouble speaking English. This went on and finally I could speak some English and the rest was all in tongues. I was treated like a crazy person! My parents did not know what to do with me. They were completely at a loss for what was happening and overwhelmed by it. My classmates thought that I had lost my mind...

Now, I should mention that I was attending a private Christian school. I had rarely came in contact with a non-believer. I am not writing to condemn the school or my home church, or to put anybody on blast. However, I am writing to encourage you to teach your children about the Holy Spirit. Everybody in the church on Sunday needs to learn and be taught about the Holy Spirit. 

Was what happened to me real? Was it "normal" Christianity? YES! I know now that this is what we now call normal Christianity. So why after over 20 years have I been silent about this amazingly life-changing event in my life? Because I was taught to be ashamed of it, and now as an older, more mature woman in the Lord, I feel the urgency to encourage others to not be ashamed of the Lord and His working in your life.

Paul wrote in Romans 12:2 that once we are saved we become like new creatures. Transformed. Changed into the created beings that God intended for us to be in the first place. I am not the same person I was at thirteen. I am changed by the inner working power of the Holy Spirit. It has been a lot of work. There is still much work to be done in me.

If you are a bored, depressed, angry, or frustrated Christian (like I was back in 2011) ask God to make you hungry for more of His presence. He blesses those who get hungry for more of the normal ways of doing Christianity.

I urge you to get hungry for God. I urge you to ask for the Holy Spirit to encounter you. He is a living person. Jesus called Him the "Comforter".  He has never let me down. He is the smartest person I know.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Musings From the Desk of A Theologian's Wife

Last June I married a theologian, a seminarian, a real man of God with a good Bible name: Matthew. I feel like this man is someone whom the Lord really has gifted me with and I am joyfully living in the proverbial marital bliss.

...I fell deeply in love with Jesus during my 430+ mile journey from Northern California to Southern California. I had to learn how to think for myself and to trust in Him. My faith was greatly challenged and stretched. I took small steps of faith that felt like giant leaps. I realized that I was putting all those stories in the Bible to test. Were they really real? I thought to myself. Were these people who really lived and did courageous things? I mused. Because if all those stories in the Bible are true, and if all those people really lived, then I needed to find out if this same God would prove Himself powerful in my little life as well. I needed to see Him move in great and amazing ways over my tiny corner of the earth. 

I was tired of being a depressed Christian! Enough already! No more lies. I wanted the truth. I wanted to see this God in action and in my life.

I found myself struggling to begin a new and academic life in a very prestigious seminary in Southern California. I already had a masters degree. However, I knew that I was in the right place at the right time. I knew that at any moment this God of Abraham, this God of Jacob, this God of Paul the apostle was going to prove Himself powerful in my life. And HE did. I began to have these divine encounters. I began to have divine appointments with people, with great men and women of God. I began to see and hear this God speaking to me. I saw Him in visions and was very moved to greater intimacy with Him.

This God who sent His son Jesus to die for me was reaching out in the most beautiful and unusual ways. I spent much time getting to know Him through His son Jesus. I fell madly in love with Jesus. One touch of His hand on my life and I am now truly changed. I have been baptized in His amazingly furious and glorious love! This baptism caused me to be transformed and renewed in my mind, in my thinking and in my daily activities, (NIV 1984, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2).

I began to have many, many more mystical experiences that are off the charts and inexplicable. I have found the need to blog some of these experiences because He is a jealous God and His love for you is extended. Anyone can come and meet with Him face to face and be changed as I have been.

I cried out to Him for an husband, to end my days of reproach, and He answered me. He heard the cries of my heart and sent me a good man who is everything that I have prayed for, and more. We met at the seminary where this amazingly loving God sent me to study and grow into the young woman that He has called me to be. 

This God whose name is LOVE, has written my love story by first encountering me with His love. My life has begun.

These are the mystical writings of the wife of a theologian.