Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Watchmen On the Walls of Prayer

God is clearly calling forth His watchmen on the walls of prayer over Jerusalem literally and spiritually. This is the place where we are to pray for His strongholds to be built up so that the enemy's strongholds might be busted out and diminished. We must pray for the Lord's kingdom to expand and that its roots might go deep in His LOVE. We must pray and interceded from a place of intimacy with Him. We must pray protection over the land that He has given us in the Spirit to steward.

I have been hearing the voices of many of God's legitimate prophets calling forth the watchmen on the walls, and I have personally been feeling that God is highlighting His watchmen in this season. He is wanting us to not grow weary in well-doing. He does not want us to be tired or sad or feeling depressed like we are the only ones on the job and no one cares.

Intercession is so very important to God's heart. I have included a link to a recent post by Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer. In this post he urges that all the "watchmen" stand up and move forward into their destinies as intercessors. He includes musicians, singers, sound techs, dancers, intercessory missionaries, etc. 

The other night, I had a prophetic dream that I was moving into this church as a symbolic and prophetic act where I was setting up camp for the Lord in a place where intimacy with Jesus had waxed cold. I told people in my dream that I was like Anna the prophetess in the Bible. She spent much time in the Temple praying and interceding for the next great move of God. She prophesied and prayed over the Christ child and His parents! This is the time where intercessors need to move into the churches and bring the fire again! We are to help and enhance the prayer ministries, to encourage hunger for more of God's presence, hunger for His WORD coming to life through prayerful revelations and powerful encounters with Him! WE must pray and intercede for the next move of God to come, for the church to get ready!

God keeps watch over His watchmen on the walls who watch over his watch. [paraphrased] quote from a recent sermon by Pastor Bill Johnson earlier this month. God watches over His watchmen. But are we sleeping and tired! Wakey, wakey sleepy church! Wakey, wakey weary watchmen! 

In this blog post, I want to encourage the watchmen and women who stand in the gap in prayer, intercession and worship. Will the real watchmen please stand up? Please stand up! Raise up the standard of the Lord once again. God is not dead. Neither should the church be sleeping and dimly lit. For God is surely alive and walking about the earth seeking witnesses.

God's watchmen on the walls of prayer are to worship, minister to the Lord, and keep watch so that the enemy cannot get in where he will only steal kill and destroy.

Holy fire of God come and fill us once again! Make us hungry for more of You. Place in us the desire to intercede for each other, for our nation, and for the unsaved in the world, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Isaiah 62:6-7 this passage is Isaiah's prophecy about the intercessors or watchmen on the walls of prayer in Jerusalem:

I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will never hold their peace day or night; you who [are His servants and by your prayers] put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silent, (Amplified Bible).

A pdf link to Mike Bickle's "The Call to Be An Intercessory Missionary" from December 17, 2013:

"O, Come All Ye Faithful", Bethel worship team, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

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