Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holy Feathers

I keep finding feathers in places where there are no birds. I found a bunch of tiny feathers on my clothes, in the bed, and some even in my hair. We do not have pets. My husband and I do not have any feathery things on our bed. I am a natural skeptic...

Then I went for a walk one day and there were three feathers in my path. This kept happening. I kept going for walks and finding feathers, no birds. I wanted to believe that the birds had it in for me and were playing a silly prank, but that took more faith to believe than to just trust that Father God is loving on me.

I heard the soft quiet voice of my Father God say:

"I have you covered. Trust me." He repeated this every time I saw a feather.

Whispered a prayer of thanks...every time:

"Thank you, God." But I was still a bit skeptical. I found it funny to amuse the thought that these were from another world...perhaps heaven?

Then, one day I went to do laundry and there is the biggest feather of them all inside the empty washing machine! By the way, I saved as many feathers as I could, especially the ones that I found inside the house....but there are so many of them!

In Psalm 91, Moses said that God our Father would cover us with His holy feathers and under His wings we could trust His protection. Angels cover us with their wings and we are safe in the protection of Papa God. He is a good Father.

Have you ever tried to reason your way out of a God thing? Or out of a miracle? God does not fit inside of our human logic and rationale. I am convicted because I want so badly to say that these feathers are of some earthly explanation. But Holy Spirit has me repenting. Our Father God is so good and He is mysteriously loving and deeply good. 

We must never try to reason our way out of seeing heaven on earth. 
Have you ever prayed the Lord's prayer and then doubted the line 'Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven'? Trust that He hears and His kingdom is here on earth in us and right before our very eyes!
Pray this with me:

Our Father who is in heaven,
Holy is Your name!
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
Here on earth
As it is in heaven!

Give us we pray our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins and help us to be forgiving.
Let us not fall into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Your is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory
forever and ever!

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