Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Watchmen On the Walls of Prayer

God is clearly calling forth His watchmen on the walls of prayer over Jerusalem literally and spiritually. This is the place where we are to pray for His strongholds to be built up so that the enemy's strongholds might be busted out and diminished. We must pray for the Lord's kingdom to expand and that its roots might go deep in His LOVE. We must pray and interceded from a place of intimacy with Him. We must pray protection over the land that He has given us in the Spirit to steward.

I have been hearing the voices of many of God's legitimate prophets calling forth the watchmen on the walls, and I have personally been feeling that God is highlighting His watchmen in this season. He is wanting us to not grow weary in well-doing. He does not want us to be tired or sad or feeling depressed like we are the only ones on the job and no one cares.

Intercession is so very important to God's heart. I have included a link to a recent post by Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer. In this post he urges that all the "watchmen" stand up and move forward into their destinies as intercessors. He includes musicians, singers, sound techs, dancers, intercessory missionaries, etc. 

The other night, I had a prophetic dream that I was moving into this church as a symbolic and prophetic act where I was setting up camp for the Lord in a place where intimacy with Jesus had waxed cold. I told people in my dream that I was like Anna the prophetess in the Bible. She spent much time in the Temple praying and interceding for the next great move of God. She prophesied and prayed over the Christ child and His parents! This is the time where intercessors need to move into the churches and bring the fire again! We are to help and enhance the prayer ministries, to encourage hunger for more of God's presence, hunger for His WORD coming to life through prayerful revelations and powerful encounters with Him! WE must pray and intercede for the next move of God to come, for the church to get ready!

God keeps watch over His watchmen on the walls who watch over his watch. [paraphrased] quote from a recent sermon by Pastor Bill Johnson earlier this month. God watches over His watchmen. But are we sleeping and tired! Wakey, wakey sleepy church! Wakey, wakey weary watchmen! 

In this blog post, I want to encourage the watchmen and women who stand in the gap in prayer, intercession and worship. Will the real watchmen please stand up? Please stand up! Raise up the standard of the Lord once again. God is not dead. Neither should the church be sleeping and dimly lit. For God is surely alive and walking about the earth seeking witnesses.

God's watchmen on the walls of prayer are to worship, minister to the Lord, and keep watch so that the enemy cannot get in where he will only steal kill and destroy.

Holy fire of God come and fill us once again! Make us hungry for more of You. Place in us the desire to intercede for each other, for our nation, and for the unsaved in the world, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Isaiah 62:6-7 this passage is Isaiah's prophecy about the intercessors or watchmen on the walls of prayer in Jerusalem:

I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will never hold their peace day or night; you who [are His servants and by your prayers] put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silent, (Amplified Bible).

A pdf link to Mike Bickle's "The Call to Be An Intercessory Missionary" from December 17, 2013:

"O, Come All Ye Faithful", Bethel worship team, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Friday, December 27, 2013


Holy Father, do not forget me.
And let me not forget You.
I want to memorize every part of You,
For You have every part of me written in Your Book.
Imprint Yourself on my mind, God.
Let Your Word be written on my heart,
That I may walk blameless before You.

Today, I feel far away from You.
How I miss the warmth of Your eyes
I wait expectantly for Your touch,
To feel Your breath on me,
In me,
Around me.
To see the light of Your face.
My soul longs for You,
I thirst and I hunger for more of You
Every moment.

Cover me--
In the deepness of Your mysterious hands.
Fill me with Your Holy presence!
Overflow me in the River of Your Life
And Reveal Your Truth to me again.
Overwhelm me with Your LOVE, oh God!

Let all of Your glory pass over me,
Consume me, oh God.
Show me Your glory today!
Come fill my longing!
Refill the place where no one else can fill:
And I will lay myself down on Your holy altar,
All my life a living sacrifice--
However small, it is in repayment 
For the LOVE that You have lavished on me--
You are the One who died for me!
Yet You were resurrected on the third day,
And for the joy of the cross,
You died to give me life.
For this reason, I live and breathe.

Take me to the highest heights of Your Goodness!
Remind me, oh holy Father.
Let me never forget You
Cause me to remember Your Goodness.
Let me not live on yesterday's miracles, God.
I want to see You move today,
I want to live with You forever.
Holy Father, do not forget me.
And let me not forget You.

As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God?
Psalm 42:1-2 Amplified Bible

"He Is Like" worship song led by Steffany Frizzell, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My Heart Burns: Redeeming LOVE

My heart burns in the flame of Your redeeming LOVE and Truth.
Your WORD lights up every part of my me!
Every vein in my body is aglow--
Your blood shed for me on the cross 
Flowing in Your redeeming LOVE
Has transfigured me
And I am fully Yours, oh Holy Jesus.

Baptize my heart again, oh God!
Let Your holy fire fall on me!
I am set ablaze by one coal from Your holy altar--
I am overwhelmed by revelations of You, God.
Every synapse of my brain is enlightened by Your gentle touch.
I am drunk with LOVE from Your hand on my head.

And I will pour myself out upon You in worship.
The sweetness of You moves me,
And I dance for You, God!
When You speak to me I am filled with holy fire on my bones.
Every time I see You I am in awe of who You are
Every time You show me another side of who You are, oh God.
Cover me in all of Your Goodness!
Show me Your Glory!

Your LOVE is deep,
Your LOVE is wide,
Your LOVE is vast,

And I am immersed in it!

I want to know every mystery about You, God.
Make me a shining one,
That I might lift Your name up to the world!
In Jesus' name,

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you amy become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the Word of life.
Philippians 2:14-16 NIV 2011

Walk In the Promise, Bethel Loft Sessions, performed by Jeremy Riddle

Our souls wait in the silence
In rest and quiet for You
In trust and dependence We walk in the promise of You 
With hope and healing in Your wings
With fire on us again
Here we are waiting for this house to be shaken
For the boldness to carry Your name to the nations
Your signs and Your wonders to go now before us
For the weight of Your glory to rest as we lift You up
We lift You up
Be magnified in us

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Holy God, Overshadow me with Your Holy Spirit.
Fill me with Your holy light.
Take every dark and unholy thing from me
And Shine Your light in me.

Rest on me, O God.
Let me be a resting place for Your glory.
Shine through me with Your holy light.
Let my heart burn with Your Word of truth.
Make my bones alive with Your holy fire!

Balance me with Your joy and peace, God.
Let me be found righteous before You
Blameless, yet completely full- 
Filled to overflowing- with Your LOVE.

Let me come to know more of You, God.
I am longing for more of You
I am in a dry and thirsty land
Fill my starving soul with more of You.

Pour into me, God.
Fill me until I cannot take anymore!
Overflow Your Sprit into me.
I want to be undone in Your presence.

This sermon by Heidi Baker really moved me to tears. She uses the story of Mary the mother of Jesus to illustrate her sermon. Enjoy.

Holy Spirit You are welcome here
Come flood this place
Come fill the atmosphere
Your glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord!

Let us become more aware of Your presence,
Let us experience the glory of Your Your beauty!

Beautiful song "Holy Spirit"  Worship with Jenn Johnson at Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Thin Space

There is a thin space between earth and heaven. 
In fact, there are many in various places above the earth. In this place, both worlds are visible, and one more specifically visible to the other- heaven on earth. I am constantly in this place and not wanting to leave one for the other. My carnal self wants to live out my life on earth, while my spiritual self is constantly caught up into heaven.

My spirit floats, glides. I realize it now. And I am carried by a heavenly being, gently and swiftly upwards to the heart of God. My Father’s heart is full of light and color! There is so much light here. It is beautiful. I am one with my Father God. I feel cozy and small in His great big heart. Liquid LOVE flows and pulses through me, around me, over me. I feel His Holy Spirit swirling all around and the colors are too much for me to take in. I am raptured by His furiously amazing LOVE!

You have captured my heart in Yours. You have taken me up, and have transformed me in Your presence. I do not want to leave this place, but I have many responsibilities weighing on me from the earth…

I am dragged downward. My thoughts are taken to my earthly duties, my schedule, my plans...
 A shooting star zooms past me and stops in mid air. My eyes re-adjust because of the light from it… The angel captures me again with swift hands...I realize that my thoughts had weighed me down and I was falling back to the weighty earth. I am re-captured into the loving arms of this being and Father God's heart receives me again.

Safely here, I am Your little child.
Keep me in the secret place, in the center of Your heart, God.
Your heart is where I am not found by the evil one. 
He would never think to look for me there, nor could he get to me if he tried. 

Your heart is pure LOVE, absolute peace. 
Hold me in close.
Let me stay with You here, in this thin space between earth and heaven.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, come!
I need You, I need Your comfort and guidance.
Without You, I am weak.
You are the most intelligent person I know.
Complex, extravagant, yet so gentle, kind.
With You I have hope.
Without You, I am but noisy and messy.

Holy Spirit, come!
Take me deeper, deeper still...
Then take me higher into His amazing LOVE!
Expand my borders.
Enlarge my vision.
Let me see His eyes and behold His beauty!
Take me where my heart is not courageous.
Make me strong enough to walk on the waters of this storm--
Until I see Jesus before me,
And I may fall into His embrace and find rest until it passes.
For in my weakness, is His strength.

Holy Spirit, Come!
Rest in me, rest on me--
Wear me like a garment.
For Your glory.

Holy Spirit, Come
A swirling whirlwind of colors
All of You in me.
Holy fiery and furious LOVE!
I am the offering, my life on Your holy altar
Holy fire consume me!
Oh, that my heart would burn with truth 
And that this fire would be in my bones!

Holy Spirit, come!

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) performed by Hillsong United

Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!
Matthew 5:6 amplified

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holy Feathers

I keep finding feathers in places where there are no birds. I found a bunch of tiny feathers on my clothes, in the bed, and some even in my hair. We do not have pets. My husband and I do not have any feathery things on our bed. I am a natural skeptic...

Then I went for a walk one day and there were three feathers in my path. This kept happening. I kept going for walks and finding feathers, no birds. I wanted to believe that the birds had it in for me and were playing a silly prank, but that took more faith to believe than to just trust that Father God is loving on me.

I heard the soft quiet voice of my Father God say:

"I have you covered. Trust me." He repeated this every time I saw a feather.

Whispered a prayer of thanks...every time:

"Thank you, God." But I was still a bit skeptical. I found it funny to amuse the thought that these were from another world...perhaps heaven?

Then, one day I went to do laundry and there is the biggest feather of them all inside the empty washing machine! By the way, I saved as many feathers as I could, especially the ones that I found inside the house....but there are so many of them!

In Psalm 91, Moses said that God our Father would cover us with His holy feathers and under His wings we could trust His protection. Angels cover us with their wings and we are safe in the protection of Papa God. He is a good Father.

Have you ever tried to reason your way out of a God thing? Or out of a miracle? God does not fit inside of our human logic and rationale. I am convicted because I want so badly to say that these feathers are of some earthly explanation. But Holy Spirit has me repenting. Our Father God is so good and He is mysteriously loving and deeply good. 

We must never try to reason our way out of seeing heaven on earth. 
Have you ever prayed the Lord's prayer and then doubted the line 'Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven'? Trust that He hears and His kingdom is here on earth in us and right before our very eyes!
Pray this with me:

Our Father who is in heaven,
Holy is Your name!
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
Here on earth
As it is in heaven!

Give us we pray our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins and help us to be forgiving.
Let us not fall into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Your is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory
forever and ever!