Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Respect the Power of the Lord

I found a really bad movie about a man of God who made a deal with the devil over money. Occasionally, I watch movies online via netflix. I say this was a bad movie because it was poorly done and the picture was bad, LOL. However, the message of the movie still resonates with me.

At a crucial moment in the movie, the man of God was visited by an old friend who reminded him that he need to “respect the power of the Lord.” These words landed in my heart and have stayed. You should never test the Lord’s favor on your life.

“Respect the power of the Lord.”

There is no movie out there that can portray or out-do the power of God! If you think for one second that God is too busy for you, not strong enough to help you fight your battles, or uninterested, you are wrong. God is very interested in you, your life, and He wants to bless you. Sometimes He needs to heal you before He can bless you. Sometimes he needs to teach you some things about his word and from his word before he can bless you.

“Respect the power of the Lord.”

If only we all could see exactly how God takes good care of us! Every hair on our heads, every step we take does not go without God’s notice. Even when we are not in his will or way, He is taking care of us. God’s favor is on you today. How will you show respect for the power of the Lord? Will you avoid God at all costs and test his favor on your life? Will you take time to get to know him and see what his will is for your life? Maybe this is a step of faith for you, or maybe you need to stand still and listen for his voice.

“Respect the power of the Lord.”

Have you seen those super cool moves like The Matrix, or in any action film featuring super heroes? God is far better than that! He is far more powerful and is far greater and has been since forever! His weapons against the enemy, satan are better. It is a blessed adventure following the Lord! Be ready, be prayed up, stay in the Word of God, be in the Spirit. Allow God to use you, and always remember to respect the power of the Lord. Experience his grace and mercy!

Do you have doubts about God’s power? Is your faith in God weak today?

Lord, increase my faith in you! Help my unbelief!

Psalm 36, Isaiah 53

Song in my head
'It ain't over!' -Cece Winans

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