Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting In Step With God

chances are, if you have been reading my blog, you may remember the musings in my very first blog. i jokingly stated that i will name my first daughter "vinaigerette." well, i've come up with a couple more names for my sons: "yakult" and "cocao". LOL! hmmm, why does it seem like i'm gonna be naming all of my children after random foods?

ohh, to be young again. it's like a dream my unique and wonderfully peculiar childhood.
funny what you remember about a movie that you watched over and over as a child. from disney's snow white and the seven dwarfs, the one scene that remains so vividly in my mind is where the little dwarf dopey, is wearing oversized clothes and he is trying to catch up with the other dwarves. his shoes are too big and he's skipping trying to get in step. he runs into the wall, but he gets back on track after a few seconds. very cute scene. dopey is a character somewhere between harpo marx and a kid on his first adventure in disneyland.

this scene from snow white reminds me of what it's like to follow in Jesus's footsteps. what a worthy adventure! it seems sometimes that i am chasing after God. a good thing to do. sometimes God moves too fast for me or too slow. this is my limited perception of God sometimes. the truth is, i might miss a step here and there and have to skip to catch up. either way i'm trying to catch up with Him! God's ways are pure, holy and always on time. it's me, i need to stay prayed up so that i won't miss a step. gotta stay prayed up in the Spirit always ready.

the thing about follwoing in the footsteps of Jesus is that i cannot look anywhere but at Him and where Jesus's feet have been. i cannot move unless He moves and i must place my feet exactly where he has already placed His feet. it's easy to skip ahead, look back and only see my footprints. easy, to also run into a wall like dopey the dwarf because i'm not looking directly at Jesus.

oops, where did You go, Lord? oh man, i got ahead of You there. let me go back and catch up to where You are...

i never want to miss a step with God. forever, i will be like little dopey in oversized clothes- doing God's work in ministry- chasing after God, always wanting more of Him in my life. i know that He is my protector, my heavenly Father, my source of life. without Him life is meaningless, empty, hopeless. without God life is so sad. this is why i cannot miss a step. no matter what i've gotta keep in step with God. it takes a quiet child-like trust to go where God is going.

do you feel that following in Jesus's footsteps is an overwhelming task? that his footsteps are too big to fill?

food for thought
i cannot think of anyone better than Jesus's to follow!

Lord Jesus, give me the stregnth to follow in your footsteps, and if i trip and fall, please take me by the hand and set me back on the right path. bring Your words to my remeberance that i might not sin agaist you again. in Jesus's name, amen.

psalm 119:1-16, 1 peter 2:21

song in my head
'...God will make a way for me!' -wow gospel 2010

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