a few summers ago, a movie came out called the incredible hulk starring edward norton and liv tyler. the movie is based on a marvel comic. i was very moved by a scene where the protagonist began testing the hulk to see exactly how strong he was. actually, he was trying to destroy the hulk. firebombs were going off all around the hulk, every weapon that could be used against him was being aimed and fired.
but the hulk was fireproof. bullets hit him and fell to the ground like paperclips. there were explosions all around the hulk. large objects were being thrown at him. but in the middle of it all he was selfless. he looked around and saw his friend standing in the path of great danger. the protagonist was evil enough to sacrifice his own daughter in his attempt to destroy the hulk.
the hulk grabs her and covers her with his entire body as fire explodes all around. the hulk is completely hulked out! it's noisy, it's bright, it's scary, it's terrible! but when the dust settles, thehulk unfolds and the girl walks away unscathed.
this is how God protects us. we may be going through the fire bombs, life is throwing things at us that we cannot understand, your health may be compromised from stress, and the enemy may be throwing those firey darts your way.
i once heard a wise person say: "one thing i know for sure about God is that he is never late, and always on time." whatever you are going through right now, remember that God is all hulked out in your situation! you have His ultimate protection from the firestorm, the enemy cannot get to your soul if you are under the precious blood of Jesus. allow God to cover you completely. trust God in all things and depend on Him for protection. God is not the causal observer in your life.
questions are you having a moment of truth that is leaving you feeling unprotected? do you feel like life is throwing it all at you right now?
read psalm 91
song in my head
'...but the impossible is God's chance to work a miracle...' -maurette brown clarke
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