when king david was anointed king over israel he was just a young boy. samuel the prophet was led of God to find the young king david and anoint him in faith. the current king saul had not been pleasing in God's sight. it was time for change. samuel arrived at jesses's house. a man with seven sons or was it eight...?
"is this it?" the prophet asked Jesse. jesse had paraded seven of his sons before the prophet, but none had that particular favor that samuel was looking for so intently.
"well, yes these are all of my fine sons...you know..."
samuel thought for a moment, but did not break eye contact with jesse. he knew that he was hiding something from him.
"are you sure?" the prophet pressed in further.
jesse sighed. he began speaking slowly: "i do have another.."
"another son?"
"well...he's my youngest, but he's a bit scraggly looking and he works in the fields for me."
"is that so?"
"you wouldn't want to meet him. he's dirty from taking care of my sheep...and he's..."
"send for him," the prophet interrrupted planting his feet firmly. "i will not leave or sit down until i meet him."
"very well, my lord." jesse said. he motioned for one of his older sons to run and get david.
david walked in looking sunburnt, dusty, his hair a mass of curls framing his young face, eyes questioning. he had spent most of his time alone in the fields with the sheep writing poetry and singing songs to the Lord. he knew that it must have been important for one of his older brothers to come and get him to meet one of his fathers visitors.
"david come here," jesse motioned with a look of frustration on his face.
david walked slowly towards his father. he had been rushed back to the house and he still held his harp in his hands. his brothers nearly threw him into the room before jesse and samuel.
"david my son, i want you to meet the prophet samuel. he works for our king saul."
david knelt before samuel without thinking.
samuel walked towards david.
"rise, and anoint him, he is the one." the Lord said to samuel.
"my Lord..." david said. the power of the Lord filled the house. everyone took a step back not knowing what would happen next. jesse leaned forward. Lord God, could it be? he thought to himself.
"stand up my son," samuel said placing his hand on david's shoulder.
david stood up. samuel pulled out a horn filled with oil. he began to sing a familiar prayer to the Lord in Hebrew: "blessed art thou Lord God King of the universe..."
he poured the oil onto david's head.
"i now anoint you king of all israel."
the oil ran don david's head and began dripping off of his soft curly hair. it ran down his face, got into his eyes, ran down his nose, and dripped onto his mouth and fell in drops onto his clothes. it began to seep through his clothes and david felt the oil run across his heart which was beating nearly out of his chest. the power of the Lord came down onto david.
samuel finished his prayer. "...amen."
jesse fell to his knees. david's bothers bowed their heads in reverence. the Lord had come to visit that day. jesse's household was blessed.
david's life quickly changed. he was soon summoned to play his harp for king saul. he became known for his gift of music and poetry that could drive away evil spirits. he became best friends with king saul's son. he soon began working his way up the ladder of command. he became great warrior. he won many battles for the Lord and for the nation of israel.
but it was quite a while before he actually became king. the inbetween time, the time between the anointing and his coronation ceremony as king of israel was a time of preparation. God made a man out of him. david learned to trust God in all things, he chased after God's heart. God expanded his talents and his territory. all the stuff he went through as a child God had redeemed as training.
david went from tending sheep to killing a giant in the philistine army, winning great battles for israel. he fully trusted in God and God honored that trust by keeping his promises to king david.
are you between the anointing and the fulfilment of your calling? are you not quite sure what to do with yourself right now?
Lord, help your servants who are in the inbetween times. train them well that they may be ready for the fulfillment of your promises. in Jesus's name, amen.
1 samuel 16:1-13
song in my head
'we lift our hands in the sanctuary. we lift our hands to give you the glory. we lift our hands to give you the praise and we will praise you for the rest of our days.' -kurt carr singers
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