In 2011, God spoke to me to take a trip and to visit what I will now call the "promised land" in which He would give me, the place where He was leading me. I could not help but to think about how Joshua in the Bible sent spies into the promised land (Joshua 2) before possessing the land. The story had been fresh in my mind since all that year my pastor had been preaching on crossing the Jordan River. This trip was what gave me strength to make the big move. I took the trip alone and I was afraid of what people might think of me. Something about telling people that you heard God speak can bring unwanted tension and awkwardness to relationships. Although this deeply troubled me, I could not ignore the maker of the universe, my heavenly Father calling to me to walk closer, to take a leap of faith. I quickly realized that not every person I knew was seeking God in the most deepest and most intimate ways that I was and they felt disconnected from Him. This was rather heartbreaking for me in that I had to keep things to myself, just between me and God for fear of hurting my friends' feelings. I also committed my friends, whom I still refer to as family, to prayer. I prayed that they too would come to know this amazingly loving heavenly Father in the way that I have!
On my drive into the new "promised land" where God called me to move, I had a mighty vision of the Ark of the Covenant sitting on top of my car! I was alone and I prayed and asked God why was I seeing the Ark of the Covenant atop my car? He reminded me that this is what the Children of Israel did in the Old Testament on their way into their Promised Land. The priests carried the Ark of the Covenant into the parted waters of the Jordan first as the story goes, and the children followed them and Joshua their leader across on dry ground as the waters had parted, (Joshua 3).
On my way home from the "promised land" in which God has now placed me, I was distracted because I no longer saw the vision of the Ark of the Covenant! I asked God where it went. He said that it stayed there because I was to move with it!
So many things happened on this particular trip. Very subtle conformations to remind me that God was and is with me. I was driving alone and was very lost in the snow covered mountains at one point. There I was at 4000 feet elevation in light snow! I had not prepared for snow but light winter weather. I prayed that I would not need snow chains.
It was during this time that God, a good Father and coach, trained me his daughter to hear His voice better. He tested me with seemingly silly things, but always confirmed that I was in fact hearing His voice. Today, I realize how important it was for me to be tested in that way. He told me to get a room for the night, extend my trip by a few hours, and wait until morning when I could drive safely home.
Photo credits go to a very precious young man named J who had an impression from God and took these photos. He then told his Mom to show them to me! Thus inspiring the sweet memories of God running ahead of me and leading my car down the mountain in the thick fog!
The next morning, I was more alert and could see that if I had not listened to His still quiet voice, I may have had a terrible accident along that snowy mountain! I was not experienced to drive in such conditions. There was so much fog after the snow dusting on the mountains that visibility was very bad. I quickly learned that I needed to get behind a big truck and follow it down the mountain with a good cushion between us.
I prayed very hard for God's protection over my self and the car. And then I saw Him! How beautiful HE is indeed! I saw the Father, God running ahead of me in the fog, down the mountain! A peace and wonder came over me! I had never seen such a sight! I was quickened in the Spirit and remembered that we can see God's back like Isaiah, who saw the train of His robes (Isaiah 6), and Moses who saw God's hand and His back (Exodus 33-34).
Since that mountaintop experience I have seen God through new eyes as a patient and loving Father who cares so tenderly for His children. Even when we are feeling lost, He will come and rescue us and show us the way. Stay tuned for Part 3 of my story, my journey with Jesus that lasted roughly from 2008-20012.
Are you feeling like you are in a foggy situation right now?
Is the path before you unclear? If you cry out to our heavenly Father, God the creator of the universe, He will answer and guide you with His Word which is Jesus. All you have to do is ask.
In Psalm 119:105, King David promised that God's living Word will be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
This is the song that the Father reminded me of as I was about to post this blog.
Be blessed, in Jesus' name.
Tenth Avenue North, By Your Side