Thursday, September 1, 2011

God's Timing

 God wants us to stop sitting at His spiritual green lights. Too many Christians are way too comfortable sitting in the warmth and coziness of green lights! Green means “GO!” So why are the green lights clogged up with lazy believers who do not want to move when God says move?

It could be fear keeping God's people from moving forward. It could be lack of inspiration. Or maybe we are asleep at the light?

Is God telling you to do something for Him today? Maybe you have a calling on your life to preach, or maybe you are called to pray for sick people, or to be an intercessor who stands in the gap praying on behalf of others, or maybe you are called to be a musician, or a teacher, or a singer on a worship team. Don't be a “bench warmer” at church sitting in the pew every Sunday and just eating the Word, getting warm fuzzies, getting fat and full, but never sharing your faith in any way shape or form!

It's time for God's people to move out from the green light before it turns red again. God's timing is perfect. We move when He says move and if we do not move when He says move we end up with deep regrets.

Don't sit at the green light. When God says “Go,” you go. Get out there and be and do what God wants you to be and do!

What if Abraham had said to God:
“I have to rent too many U-hal's to get all my stuff from here to the Promised Land.”

What if King David had said "no" to Samuel's anointing oil?

What if Jospeh decided not to forgive his brothers? Would his story have been in the Bible?

What is God speaking to you about doing for Him as you read this blog? Is it evangelism? Is God telling you to go talk to someone about Jesus today? Is god telling you to go pray over someone and encourage them?

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord!

Now, go make it a good day but go in the strength and Spirit of the one true living God. Take the gospel message of Jesus to someone today, but do it lovingly and with kindness.

Has God given you the green light? Are you moving forward or sitting still in fear?

Dear God, help us to move when you say move! Increase our faith! Put a holy fire under us and give us strength to be and do everything you have called us to be and do for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Matthew 5, Hebrews 12:1-2

Song In My Head
'The Lord has given us freedom, given us freedom, given us joy!' -Shekinah Glory Ministry

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