The Bible says that the sin of rebellion is just as bad as the sin of doing witchcraft. There are levels of sin, but all sin leads to pride and bondage and separation from God.
The prophet Samuel said these words to King Saul one day to inform him that his anointing to be king over Israel was being removed because of his stubbornness and rebellion.
Yes, God's love is far reaching, deep, wide, incomprehensible, and amazing! But when you commit sin knowing that it is against God, knowing that it is wrong, knowing that it hurts the heart of God, this separates you from Him.
Rebellion is rejecting the Word of the Lord, (1 Samuel 15). The Word of the Lord became flesh and dwelt among us, John 1) . The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, (Psalm 119:111)! The Word of the Lord is Faithful and true, (Revelation 19:11)! The Word of the Lord was with God in the beginning, (John 1). The Word of the Lord cannot go out and return void once it leaves the mouth of God it must bring forth a plentiful harvest, (Isaiah 55)! The Word that became flesh said:
"Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God,"
(Matthew 4:4).
We are to hide the Word of the Lord in our hearts so that we might not sin against God, (Psalm 119:105)! The Word of God is a sharp and fresh weapon against an old enemy: the sword of the Spirit, (Ephesians 6:17).
I want to encourage you to get into the Word of God and get the Word in you! Read it, study it word by word, memorize it, "eat" the Word, ponder it. And know this for real: Jesus is the living Word of God! The enemy could not defeat Him! The Word went down into hell and took back authority that had been misused! The Word of God holds the keys of death and hell, not satan! And remember, satan is not God's equal! God is far greater than that old devil! God's power is unmatchable!
If you have to Word of God on your mind, in your heart, in your belly, there is no room for rebellion and stubbornness. If you truly love God with all of your heart, your mind, your soul, you will not have any desire for sin. You will desire purity and integrity and truth.
All sin branches out from fear rooted in your heart which leads to pride which leads to bondage in the enemy's camp.
"Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient..." (Isaiah 1:18-19).
"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." says the writer of Hebrews, (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Is there something that God is asking you to do for His kingdom? Maybe you feel called to preach, or to help others in ways that may be outside of your comfort zone, maybe you feel called to pray for others. Whatever it is that God is telling you to do for His glory, do not miss the call! This is a season of second chances, God is redeeming the time and you cannot miss this window of time in His kingdom! Ignoring God's call is rebellion and stubbornness.
Overcome your fear with courage. Move forward. The Word will light your path.
If you disobey God now, will you regret it later?
Lord God, move in us! Let your Word become alive in us! Open our eyes so that we can see what you are saying, open our ears to hear what you want us to do, give us courage to move forward. Strengthen us by your power and let your Holy Ghost breathe on us, Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen.
1 Samuel 15, Hebrews 12
Song in my head: 'In your presence, all fear is gone! In your presence there's healing!' -Jason Upton
A thought-provoking blog, quirky at times, from the desk of a Christian mystic who is married to a theologian.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I Am the One Whom Jesus Loves!
I am the one whom Jesus loves!
How did this happen? I have been a Christian for a long time, but I had no real comprehension of the love of God. Then one day God decided that I needed to know: God loves me. I was watching Joyce Meyer online. She was talking about the love of God. The only reason I was watching her is because I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling me to go to her website and watch her latest sermon. She told her listeners to do a Bible study on the love of God and to study it until you really get it: God loves me.
Can you look in the mirror and say those words: "God loves me!"?
I knew that the message Joyce Meyer was preaching online was for me because my Pastor had preached a similar sermon one year earlier. After hearing the divinely inspired sermon again, I went and found my notes and re-read them. Joyce Meyer and my Pastor were saying the same thing.
(By the way, they do not hang out. Not even sure if they know each other. This was simply the Lord's doing. I needed to hear the sermon twice.)
So I started talking to myself, when no one was looking, and I would go to the mirror and say stuff like this:
"God loves me. I am God's child. I have faith in God. God loves me...."
It was hard at first. In fact, I whispered the words to the mirror in the dark for the first few months. Sounds sooo silly, but the truth is that I began to see how much I did not feel that I deserved God's love! What?!
I turned the lights on earlier this year and began to say the words aloud to the mirror. I became bolder. I began to repeat the words over and over while driving. Now, whenever I can, I slip it into conversation. By the way, God loves me! In case I had not mentioned it earlier. And He loves you too!
I began to give God more honor and glory for all that He has done in my life. It was like God became my buddy for real! I feel Him shadowing me more now. Actually, He was always there, omnipresent, I am just more aware of Jehovah God. I am more aware of God my loving Father. God did it!
Did you know that God loves you too? God's love is far reaching. His love is so deep. His love is so wide. His love goes on for so long as if it has no end!
I want to encourage you to do a Bible study search on the love of God today, tonight, all week, all month, all year...until you really get it. God keeps doing stuff to get your attention. Did you see it? He keeps calling your name. Do you hear Him? God keeps putting people in your path to remind you of His love. Do you remember?
Saint John the Beloved, noted Joyce Meyer, really got it. He was immersed in God's love. Rested his head on Jesus. Put his trust in Jesus. He even put it in his writing: I am the one whom Jesus loves, he said, (John 13:23). But Jesus was not playing favorites. His love is evenly distributed. You have to reach for it in faith and watch how he pours out His love on you!
You are the one whom Jesus loves!
Lord, help us to really get how much you love us! Take us deeper with you, Lord God! Cause us to see you when you move, when you speak, when you are trying to get our attention so that we can become fully immersed in your love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
John 12-15, Romans 8:38-39
Song in My Head
Oh, love of God! How rich and pure! How immeasurable an strong! It shall forever more endure, this the saints and angels song. -old hymn
How did this happen? I have been a Christian for a long time, but I had no real comprehension of the love of God. Then one day God decided that I needed to know: God loves me. I was watching Joyce Meyer online. She was talking about the love of God. The only reason I was watching her is because I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling me to go to her website and watch her latest sermon. She told her listeners to do a Bible study on the love of God and to study it until you really get it: God loves me.
Can you look in the mirror and say those words: "God loves me!"?
I knew that the message Joyce Meyer was preaching online was for me because my Pastor had preached a similar sermon one year earlier. After hearing the divinely inspired sermon again, I went and found my notes and re-read them. Joyce Meyer and my Pastor were saying the same thing.
(By the way, they do not hang out. Not even sure if they know each other. This was simply the Lord's doing. I needed to hear the sermon twice.)
So I started talking to myself, when no one was looking, and I would go to the mirror and say stuff like this:
"God loves me. I am God's child. I have faith in God. God loves me...."
It was hard at first. In fact, I whispered the words to the mirror in the dark for the first few months. Sounds sooo silly, but the truth is that I began to see how much I did not feel that I deserved God's love! What?!
I turned the lights on earlier this year and began to say the words aloud to the mirror. I became bolder. I began to repeat the words over and over while driving. Now, whenever I can, I slip it into conversation. By the way, God loves me! In case I had not mentioned it earlier. And He loves you too!
I began to give God more honor and glory for all that He has done in my life. It was like God became my buddy for real! I feel Him shadowing me more now. Actually, He was always there, omnipresent, I am just more aware of Jehovah God. I am more aware of God my loving Father. God did it!
Did you know that God loves you too? God's love is far reaching. His love is so deep. His love is so wide. His love goes on for so long as if it has no end!
I want to encourage you to do a Bible study search on the love of God today, tonight, all week, all month, all year...until you really get it. God keeps doing stuff to get your attention. Did you see it? He keeps calling your name. Do you hear Him? God keeps putting people in your path to remind you of His love. Do you remember?
Saint John the Beloved, noted Joyce Meyer, really got it. He was immersed in God's love. Rested his head on Jesus. Put his trust in Jesus. He even put it in his writing: I am the one whom Jesus loves, he said, (John 13:23). But Jesus was not playing favorites. His love is evenly distributed. You have to reach for it in faith and watch how he pours out His love on you!
You are the one whom Jesus loves!
Lord, help us to really get how much you love us! Take us deeper with you, Lord God! Cause us to see you when you move, when you speak, when you are trying to get our attention so that we can become fully immersed in your love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
John 12-15, Romans 8:38-39
Song in My Head
Oh, love of God! How rich and pure! How immeasurable an strong! It shall forever more endure, this the saints and angels song. -old hymn
Thursday, September 1, 2011
God's Timing
God wants us to stop sitting at His spiritual green lights. Too many Christians are way too comfortable sitting in the warmth and coziness of green lights! Green means “GO!” So why are the green lights clogged up with lazy believers who do not want to move when God says move?
It could be fear keeping God's people from moving forward. It could be lack of inspiration. Or maybe we are asleep at the light?
Is God telling you to do something for Him today? Maybe you have a calling on your life to preach, or maybe you are called to pray for sick people, or to be an intercessor who stands in the gap praying on behalf of others, or maybe you are called to be a musician, or a teacher, or a singer on a worship team. Don't be a “bench warmer” at church sitting in the pew every Sunday and just eating the Word, getting warm fuzzies, getting fat and full, but never sharing your faith in any way shape or form!
It's time for God's people to move out from the green light before it turns red again. God's timing is perfect. We move when He says move and if we do not move when He says move we end up with deep regrets.
Don't sit at the green light. When God says “Go,” you go. Get out there and be and do what God wants you to be and do!
What if Abraham had said to God:
“I have to rent too many U-hal's to get all my stuff from here to the Promised Land.”
What if King David had said "no" to Samuel's anointing oil?
What if Jospeh decided not to forgive his brothers? Would his story have been in the Bible?
What is God speaking to you about doing for Him as you read this blog? Is it evangelism? Is God telling you to go talk to someone about Jesus today? Is god telling you to go pray over someone and encourage them?
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord!
Now, go make it a good day but go in the strength and Spirit of the one true living God. Take the gospel message of Jesus to someone today, but do it lovingly and with kindness.
Now, go make it a good day but go in the strength and Spirit of the one true living God. Take the gospel message of Jesus to someone today, but do it lovingly and with kindness.
Has God given you the green light? Are you moving forward or sitting still in fear?
Dear God, help us to move when you say move! Increase our faith! Put a holy fire under us and give us strength to be and do everything you have called us to be and do for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Matthew 5, Hebrews 12:1-2
Song In My Head
'The Lord has given us freedom, given us freedom, given us joy!' -Shekinah Glory Ministry
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