Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week and the Day He Wore My Crown of Thorns

With wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, famines, pestilences, unrest, nations rising against other nations, (Matthew 24:6-7) it is easy to fall into wonder and ask where is God in all this...and what in the world are "pestilences"? LOL. Pestilences are unpleasant things.

The truth is this: it could be a lot worse if the Lord had not already come. You see, He came through for us over 2000 years ago. He was thrilled to do it and He came to save us in love.

He came in riding on a young colt during Holy Week. And we, all of mankind, threw down our coats and palm branches in the road for Him to ride upon. And then one week later, we- that is all of mankind- decided to kill this the Son of God.

The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). In one week, we went from praising Him and worshiping Him to calling for His crucifixion! I say "we" because no matter what era or generation Jesus would have chosen to be apart of, the end result would have still been the same.

When we read the Easter story about Jesus, riding on a young colt on Palm Sunday, the Passover, the kiss of betrayal, the interrogations, the scourging, the crown of thorns, Peter's betrayal, the cross, His death...I dare you to say "we" when you read the historical account in the four gospels, or better yet "I". It makes history personal. I am undone, I feel uneasy saying "Ahhh, Calvary! I caused all the pain, I caused all the shame. He gave Himself the day He wore my crown..." (The Day He Wore My Crown). The day Jesus wore my crown of thorns, and was beaten within inches of His life. That should have been me getting beaten and bloodied for my sins, it should have been me getting crucified on that cross and laughed at. I should have died that day not the Son of God. He was blameless.

We could not stand to look at Jesus, to look upon His glory, to behold the Son of God. It was too much for us...so we killed Him.

"Give us Barabbas!" we cried out. "We want the other guy to be set free, you know, the serial killer?"

"Are you kidding me? I cannot find anything wrong with this guy right here! Are you sure?" said a very confused Pilate.

"Yes, we want you to crucify Him and give us Barabbas the serial killer!"

Pilate washes his hands. A public display showing that everything was completely out of his control.

But by the grace of God there was a greater plan. Jesus came in love. he died knowing the outcome, knowing that He and only He could conquer death, conquer hell, and conquer the grave!

What a a pitiful story it would be if Jesus had not risen from the dead. If He had not come back to appear to over 500 people including His own disciples.

No other religious or spiritual leader has been able to upstage Jesus on this! Jesus is the Son of God and He has the power over death and hell and He was murdered by capital punishment and after three days He arose from the dead! It was a miracle! We have no body! We have eye witness accounts of a resurrected Jesus, even in conversation. This is our proof that Jesus really did rise from the dead.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, ask Him to come into your heart today.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for me! I am a sinner and I am sorry for what I have done. It should have been me on that cross. Please forgive me of my sins and make all things new. Lead me and guide me in your truth. In Jesus' name , Amen.

Matthew 26-28, Mark 13-16, Luke 19-24, John 13-21*

Song in my head:
'Who is this King of glory that pursues me with His love?' -Third Day

*I use these translations of the Bible: the Amplified Bible, the King James Version, the New Living Translation, and the New International Version

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