Friday, April 2, 2010

At the Cross

today is Good Friday! yes! what a day in history! such wonderful things happened in the spirit world the very moment Jesus died on that cross! the devil himself was crippled. why? because Jesus took the keys of death, hell and the grave straight out of his grasp!
now, that means something really amazing for you and me.

by the way, death, what happened to your sting? and uh, grave? where oh, where is your victory now? Jesus, is our King and mighty conqueror!

i can now boldly approach the throne of grace. Jesus did it for me, for you, for all of us. now, i can talk directly to the Father. i'm there at the cross on the ground kneeling. my head is down and i am afraid to look up. the only words to escape my lips are:

"my Lord... and my God."

all i need is one drop and i am cleansed. the old things are gone, my sins are forgiven! grace, where would i be without your grace, Lord? i am immersed in your mercy! so amazing!

such mercy, such compassion, such love was shown on that cross. Good Friday is good because we cannot find another word to accurately describe it. but let me tell you, it was better than good.

Jesus the Lamb on the cross, the conqueror and Lion of Judah! he was like a lamb led to slaughter, a sacrifice, but also the high priest, the King who is able to go to the Father and pray on our behalf. Jesus is the conqueror like a lion, strong and bold.

as you see, i am at a loss for words regarding Good Friday. what can you say about the Son of God who came down in such love and compassion to die for our sins so that we could have life? it is simply overwhelming for me.

are you at the cross right now? what will you offer the King of kings today? will you give him your life?

john 19, matthew 27

song in my head
the only thing going through my mind is simply every song about the cross, the blood of Jesus and the price he paid for my sins.

movie suggestion
the passion of the Christ

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