Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48
Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights. James 1:17
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The coming end of the year holiday season is upon us with Thanksgiving coming up next week and Christmas just about 1 month beyond that and the New Year 2015 a week after that! It always surprises me how time seems to just zoom past us. And then I hear His voice...
Just be.
Can you see?
He says to me softly.
So much noise all around,
My eyes cannot see.
Look into the Great Light,
He says.
My Father is Light.
Where are You, my Lord?
I reach out in the darkness for His face.
I want to touch it.
I want His hand to guide me to the Light.
Do you hear me?
Are you listening with your heart?
He says even softer.
I close my eyes to hear...
My heart knows Him,
The One I love and adore.
Then my eyes feel the light
And are opened to see clearly.
I am warmed by the presence of my Lord.
His LOVE overwhelms me as I turn towards
The Light...
Revelation comes
As I look into His eyes.
My Child, you are BeLoved of mine.
Rest in me.
Just be
Here in my arms.
Stop your striving.
It hurts me to see you trying to earn
When I have freely given it to you.
My beautiful Child,
Just be.
Big Daddy Weave worships with their new hit single "Overwhelmed"